10 Helpful Eye Care Tips For You

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The below mentioned eye care tips helps you have an healthy and beautiful eyes free of eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes:

1.Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables like carrots, drumstick, spinach., papaya and mangoes. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes.
2.Take adequate rest. Rest will refresh the eyes and help them work more efficiently.
3.Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation. Only then your eyes are sure to receive enough oxygen for good performance.
4.Drink at least 12 glasses of water to avoid any kind of puffiness in the eyes. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body.
5.Do not rub your eyes for any reason but instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking is a good massage and exercise to the eyes.
6.Use a clean cotton ball dipped in milk to clean your eyes. Milk is a good and safe natural cleanser.
7.To induce a glow into your eyes insert 2 drops of pure rose water using a dropper.
This also gives you an special eye lift.
8.Regularly apply oil mixed in glycerin to your eye lashes and eye brows to keep them dense and dark.
9.Always use sunglasses during the peak day time to protect your eyes from sunrays. Direct sunrays cause heavy damage to eyes.
10.Place a slice of potato or cucumber on both the eyes, after 10 minutes remove and wash the eyes. This helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.


How to exercise your Eyes

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sit comfortably on a chair. Rub your hands together until they feel warm. Close your eyes and cover them lightly with your cupped palms. Avoid applying pressure on your eyeballs. Place your palms so that the nose remains uncovered, and the eyes remain behind the slight hollow of the palms. Make sure that no light rays enter the eyes, and leave no gaps between fingers or between the edge of the palms and the nose. You may still see other lingering traces of colors. Imagine deep blackness and focus on the blackness. Take deep breaths slowly and evenly, while thinking of some happy incident; or visualize a distant scene. After your eyes see nothing but blackness, remove your palms from your eyes. Repeat the palming for 3 minutes or more.

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this 7 or 8 times.
  2. Close your eyes and massage them with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Make sure you press very lightly; otherwise, you could hurt your eyes.
  3. Press three fingers of each hand against your upper eyelids, and hold them there for 1-2 seconds, then release. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Sit and relax.Roll your eyes clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Repeat 5 times, and blink in between each time.
  5. Sit about 6 inches (200 mm) from the window. Make a mark on the glass at your eye level (a small sticker, black or red, would be perfect). Look through this mark and focus on something far away for 10-15 seconds; then focus on the mark again.
  6. Hold a pencil in front of you at arm's length. Move your arm slowly to your nose, and follow the pencil with your eyes until you can't keep it in focus. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Look in front of you at the opposite wall and pretend that you are writing with your eyes, without turning your head. It may seem difficult at first, but with a bit of practice it is really fun. The bigger the letters, the better the effect.
  8. Imagine that you are standing in front of a really big clock. Look at the middle of the clock. Then look at any hour mark, without turning your head. Look back at the center. Then look at another hour mark. Do this at least 12 times. You can also do this exercise with your eyes closed.
  9. Focus on a distant object (over 150 feet or 50 m away) for several seconds and slowly refocus your eyes on a nearby object (less than 30 feet or 10 m away) that's in the same direction. Focus for several seconds and go back to the distant object. Do this 5 times.
  10. Focus on an object in the distance (as far as possible) with a low contrasting background. Do this for a few minutes every half hour or so. This does not improve your vision, nor does any other technique. It can, however, maintain your best eyesight level during the day and prevent significant further vision deterioration.


  • It's more important to do the exercises regularly than to do them for a long time. Even 30-60 seconds of eye movement every hour is very helpful. For example, when your computer takes its sweet time to do something, most people just swear at the poor thing and waste the time, but you can make a few circles with your eyes. Even the first day you do this, you should notice that, when you finish working, your eyes aren't as tired as usual.
  • Taking short breaks from near work (e.g. staring at a computer monitor) to stare out to the distance also relieves some strain.
  • palming is a good method to help your eyes feel better. You close your eyes and put you palms over them, this will rest your eyes as the natural chi power that flows from your hands will rest your eyes.


  • Consult your optometrist (eye doctor) before doing any of these exercises. The last thing you want to do is add further strain to your eyes, or damage them permanently.
  • When doing these exercises, make sure that you're not facing anybody, or that they know you're doing eye exercises. Otherwise they might think you've gone nuts.
  • Extensive peer reviewed research has shown that visual clarity is not improved by exercise. Some people have weakness in the ability to turn their eye in or out. You may have esotropia (eye naturally turned in) or exotropia (eye naturally turned out). Exercise may help these conditions.
  • Doing these exercises when you wear contacts may cause them to suction to your eyeball. They might also move around and possibly become folded and/or dislodged, which can be extremely uncomfortable as well.
  • Do not apply pressure on your eyes.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil


How Are Some Common Defects Caused?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Vision changes are one of the inevitable effects of aging - and yet deteriorating sight comes as a surprise and shock to many people.

Most of us won't escape this age-related change and many will struggle with eye diseases. Some 72 percent of U.S. adults require vision correction, according to 2006 data from the Vision Council of America.By 2020, for example, the number of people who have cataracts is expected to grow by 10 million, according to the National Eye Institute.

The first vision changes typically come in the 40s, as the lens stiffens and has trouble shifting between near and far. It's called presbyopia.

Some people may find it harder to see at a distance as the eyes adapt to demands of close-up work, such as sitting at a computer screen all day.

At this stage, there is an easy fix: reading or distance glasses. It may be helpful, too, to take frequent breaks from reading or computer work and to sit farther away from a computer screen.

There also are two surgical options: Implantable lenses, a relatively new and expensive alternative with unknown long-term implications; or, LASIK eye surgery.

LASIK surgery doesn't fix focusing problems. Instead, it gets around the problem by creating monovision - giving you near vision in one eye and distance vision in the other.

Some people may have trouble adjusting to monovision, which can affect depth perception and ability to see in low light. And some people find they still need reading glasses. A doctor may ask to you to experiment with contact lenses before proceeding with the surgery.

Expert says, LASIK for the treatment of myopia is very successful in people with low to moderate myopia and normal corneal thickness. But, LASIK surgery for the correction of presbyopia is not a very good option and not generally recommended.

Expert says that aside from presbyopia, many people will have healthy eyes throughout their lives.

Still, millions will find themselves battling eye problems as they age, the first problems typically surfacing between the ages of 40 and 60.

Cataracts, which cause the lens to become hard and cloudy, are "very much age dependent. Environmental changes, such as using brighter lighting, and glasses may help; surgery to replace the lens may be necessary.

Age-related macular degeneration, which causes the retina to deteriorate, typically appears around age 60 and is signaled by difficulty seeing things at the center of the field of vision.

Another condition that may surface with age: glaucoma, in which pressure increases inside the eye and damages the optic nerve. Glaucoma often develops without any symptoms, although loss of peripheral vision can be a clue something is amiss.

Experts says there are things you can do to maintain good eyesight as you age. At the top of the list: quit smoking. A healthy diet, regular exercise and use of sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat when in bright sunlight also are recommended. You also may need to increase the lighting in your home, particularly in areas where you work or read.



LASIK or Photorefractive Keratectomy Which Will be Best for You?

Q. I had RK surgery about ten years ago; four slits on each eye. About three years ago, it went south and I now am wearing glasses again. Can I have LASIK done? I am nearsighted and wear bifocals.

AnsweredBy Edward Rashid, M.D, WOAI.com LASIK Expert :

It may be safer to have PRK (laser) instead of LASIK. PRK will laser on the very surface tissue of the cornea and will not disturb the old incisions very much. LASIK will go deeper into the layers of cornea and run the risk of separating the old incisions. PRK is an excellent choice for low degrees of nearsightedness.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) has been performed for over 15 years. For the PRK procedure, the excimer laser is used on the outer surface and top layers of the cornea to reshape and correct the curvature. This is the same laser treatment as in the LASIK procedure, but with PRK, making a “flap’ is not necessary. I do not use a bladed device in either procedure.

With PRK the outer surface layer of the cornea needs to heal over a few days. Although the healing time is longer with PRK, the benefits are that it is sometimes safer to have PRK than LASIK and it can be a little more accurate and stable than LASIK for some cases. Schedule an appointment so that I can thoroughly evaluate your eyes and look at records from your previous surgery, and then I’ll be able to recommend the best procedure for you.



Evolution of LASIK Opens Door for Patients Not Suitable for LASIK Surgery

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Linette Hwu had been warned by doctors she was not a candidate for laser eye surgery: Her corneas were too thin, her pupils too large, and she was extremely nearsighted.

The 33-year-old lawyer for Discovery Communications said she had resigned herself to being permanently tethered to the glasses she had worn since third grade. But four months ago, Hwu underwent one of several relatively new procedures, this one known as Epi-Lasik, which is designed for patients who can't have conventional laser surgery because it removes too much corneal tissue. An eye exam last month showed she could see 20/20 without glasses.

Alice Corbett, 53, of suburban Washington had been told a few years ago that the shape of her corneas made her a questionable surgical risk, but recently approved technology revealed otherwise.

On Oct. 11, Corbett underwent Lasik after years of juggling reading and distance glasses, which she often lost, and contact lenses, which she hated. Although she still needs reading glasses, Corbett is thrilled she can do everything else unencumbered by eyewear.

The experiences of both women are emblematic of the maturing market for procedures to correct common vision problems, especially nearsightedness, a condition that affects one in four Americans.



Prevention of Vision Loss Saves Both Sight and Money

According to a study published in the journal Ophthalmology, poor vision is costing Medicare more than $2 billion per year in non-eye related maladies and healthcare needs.

As a result, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is calling for Medicare and other medical insurance plans to place a stronger emphasis on providing preventive eye care for all Americans.

With the soaring costs of health care, this study is an important reminder that preventing vision loss saves both sight and money, says H. Dunbar Hoskins, MD, executive vice president for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.



Free LASIK Surgery for Eye Glass-Wearing Quadriplegics

Contact lenses are a lost option when a person becomes quadriplegic, they have no use of their hands; so dealing with eyeglasses is a persistent aggravation for them.

Now, through the technology of laser eye surgery, and a national program called Focus on Independence, quadriplegic’s life will be a bit easier because it’s been touched by a program to give eyeglass-wearing quadriplegics a little more freedom.

When LASIK was first in general use in the mid-1990s, it was used only to treat low to moderate amounts of nearsightedness.

Now with the help of improved software doctors can treat high degrees of nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, and almost all sorts of refractive errors for distance .

Focus on Independence, is a program that began in Kansas. After Dr. Daniel Durrie, an ophthalmologist saw how Christopher Reeve (the paralyzed actor who once portrayed Superman) needed to have his wife place his glasses on him so he could present a speech. He recognized that others must have the same difficulty.

Because of the extremely high costs of living as quadriplegic, the plan was to offer the procedure for free.


Clear Your Eyes from Eye Floaters by Laser Beam Zabs

Oliver Hill, 60, of Waynesburg, Pa., said many eye doctors are too dismissive of how irritating a floater can be. He compared it to trying to read a book while holding a pencil directly in front of one of your eyes. It can ruin a patient‘s quality of life.

After more than 100 pinpoint zaps from a laser beam during a half-hour visit to a northern Virginia office park, the fuzzball was gone, obliterated within the clear, gelatinous goo that fills the eyeball.

Some people call them floaters. Eye doctors call them "vitreous opacities."
Nearly everybody has floaters or will develop them at some point in life, especially older and nearsighted people. Sometimes shaped like specks or snakes, they float through a person‘s field of vision, and are most easily seen when you look against a light background like a blue sky or a white wall.

However ophthalmologists believe the procedure is unnecessary, as, any risk is unacceptable for treating a benign condition like floaters. Floaters are common and not harmful, and that one should learn to live with it.


Rift Valley Fever Can Cause Serious Eye Infection and Can Also Claim Human Lives

The Rift Valley Fever is a viral disease that affects mainly animals such as cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats. But it can also affect humans.

The disease is most common during years of heavy rainfalls.

People get Rift Valley Fever mainly from bites of infected mosquitoes and the disease can also be spread through direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected animal.

Rift Valley Fever can cause serious eye infection, inflammation of the brain, severe bleeding (hemorrhage) and death.

The Rift Valley Fever has claimed the lives of two people near Arusha of northern Tanzania, according to local press reports on Tuesday.

English newspaper The Guardian quoted Arusha Acting Regional Commissioner Evance Balama as saying that the two victims had become on Jan. 31 the first reported victims of the disease in the country.

Health authorities in northern Tanzania have warned the public to guard against the spread of the Rift Valley Fever in the wake of an outbreak of the disease in neighboring Kenya where the disease has so far claimed the lives of some 90 people.

In 1998, the Rift Valley Fever broke out in Arusha following a similar outbreak in Kenya and the disease killed at least 10 people between January and March.

Source: Xinhua


Contact Lens Users (about 45 %) Have Quit Wearing Them

A survey found that many people have stopped wearing contacts because of dry or irritated eyes, which can stem from cutting corners in caring for the lenses.

If you’ve ever tried contact lenses, you might be reading this with glasses instead: An online reader survey of some 7,700 corrective-lens wearers, conducted last spring by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, found that 45 percent who tried contacts in the past decade have quit wearing them. And more than one-fourth of current contact users said they now wear them less than they used to.

You can boost your chances of sticking with your contacts by using them properly, which helps prevent infection as well as dryness and irritation, the two most common reasons for giving up contacts. It’s particularly important not to cut corners in cleaning and storing your lenses.

Contact users should see their eye doctor at least annually. If you often wear lenses overnight, consider semiannual checkups. In this survey, 28 percent of contact users said they hadn’t had an eye exam in the past 11 months.



Warwick University have Developed Revolutionise Eye Diagnostics Gadget

A new Device to make it much easier to diagnose some of the eye diseases which cause blindness is being developed at Warwick University.

This new digital ophthalmoscope can provide both doctors and high street optometrists with a hand-held eye disease diagnosis device equal to the power of bulky hospital-based eye diagnosis cameras.

It will also give optometrists the ability to email detailed eye maps of patients to specialist eye doctors.

The new digital ophthalmoscope was developed from a three-year research partnership bringing together the University of Warwick, ophthalmoscope manufacturer Keeler Optics, City University and University College London.

It uses a combination of specialist lens digital imaging and lighting technology which for the first time allows a high quality digital image to be captured and recorded by an ophthalmoscope.

University of Warwick research Professor Peter Bryanston-Cross has also been able to apply software used to stitch together detailed map images to assemble the captured images from the digital ophthalmoscope.

This provides a map of the eye equal to the field of view and resolution of the large 'Fundus' cameras typically used in hospital settings to examine eyes.

The new digital ophthalmoscope would also be around 10 times cheaper than a Fundus camera.

This technology will be a powerful tool in the hands of specialist eye doctors, but it will also revolutionise eye care on the high street.



Astigmatism and Cataract Patients May Benefit from a New Medicare Rule

People with astigmatism and cataracts may benefit from a new Medicare rule extending coverage for the new type of implantable lenses that treat both the conditions.

Astigmatism, one of the most common vision problems, causes blurry vision due to irregularly shaped cornea. Cataracts cause cloudy vision and are more common as we age.

Cataracts can sometimes be fixed by replacing the damaged natural lens with an artificial lens called an intraocular lens. Intraocular lenses allow ophthalmologists to use one lens to fix both the cataract and astigmatism, improving distance vision and reducing dependence on glasses.

The new rules allow patients to get the specialized implantable lenses with Medicare covering the cost of the cataract surgery and part of the cost of the lens. The patient is billed for the remaining uncovered costs of the lens and surgery. The new rules are similar to existing rules that allow patients to pay a premium for implantable lenses to fix cataracts and presbyopia, a common condition after 40 that makes it hard to focus on nearby items.



Couple Forced to Choose Which One of Them Should Go Blind

A health trust has saved a couple from taking the agonising decision of which one of them should go blind.

It agreed yesterday to fund treatment for one of the pensioners following claims that the availability of sight-saving drugs on the NHS was a postcode lottery.

Ron and Olive Roberts praised the campaigning of the RNIB after hearing that Mrs Roberts would be treated on the NHS

Olive Roberts, 79, and her husband of 57 years, Ronald, 81, both have wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in Britain.

They were told that they needed urgent treatment that could save their sight. However, if they wanted the treatment quickly, they said they were also told they would have to pay for it privately, even though the drugs were licensed for use on the NHS.

The couple said the drug treatment they needed would cost each of them £600 a month, over a period of up to two years. They could not afford two treatments, so they agreed that Mrs Roberts should have the drugs because her sight was deteriorating faster.

The couple, from Malmesbury, Wilts, applied to the PCT for funding two months ago, and the Royal National Institute for the Blind campaigned on their behalf. Last night, the Kennet and North Wiltshire PCT said in a statement that it had met yesterday to discuss the case and it had agreed to fund Mrs Roberts's treatment as soon as possible. Mr Roberts required a further test before it could be decided what was the most appropriate treatment for his condition.



Eye Makeups Could be Your Eyes' Worst Enemy

Bacteria Love Your Eye Makeup. Eye makeup makes life so much easier and prettier. But if not used and removed properly, it can also be your eyes` worst enemy.

Although eye makeup is bacteria-free when you buy it, it is very prone to infection by bacteria from the moment you open the package and expose it to air and germs. Because it’s applied to one of the body’s most sensitive areas, those germs can easily cause a big problems – like severe infections, pink eye or ulcers - for users who are not cautious.

To help you enjoy your eye makeup for the life of the product and avoid problems, follow these safety tips:

· Keep it clean. If your applicator falls in the sink or on the floor, throw it away immediately. Keep your makeup containers clean and dust-free.

· Don’t keep any eye make up longer than the expiration date. If you haven’t used a shade for four months, throw it away. Bacteria may have been breeding undisturbed.

· Toss out mascara that`s dry or more than three or four months old. Don`t add water or worse, spit, to moisten dry mascara.

· Wash your hands before putting on eye makeup. Your hands have lots of germs and bacteria that could get in your eyes.

· Keep your cosmetics at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. Heat and sunlight can spoil products.

· Don`t share eye makeup with anyone. You could easily get an infection.

· Don`t use testers at department stores. If you really want to see how a color looks, use a clean cotton swab – even that is disputed as to how sanitary it really is because many people have touched those open samples

· If you have an eye infection, don`t use any eye makeup until the infection is gone. Be sure to toss the makeup you were using when you got the infection. Chances are high that it`s contaminated with the same bacteria that caused your infection in the first place.

Knowing the shelf-life of you eye makeup is very important. If you don`t remember buying it, throw it away. If you notice (even a little) any of these signs, pitch that makeup immediately:

· The color has changed.

· It smells funny.

· The container is cracked or the cap no longer fits tightly, which means bacteria can get in and cause damage.

· The consistency has changed. What was once thick is now runny, or liquids that are beginning to dry out.

Sleeping with eye makeup on can cause big problems too, so be sure to gently remove all your makeup before going to bed using a facial cleanser, water and a soft washcloth. Or, if you prefer, using eye makeup remover and a clean cotton ball can also be effective. Either way, be sure to clean the corners of your eyes as well.

Source: Carefair


Health Canada Warns Not to Use Certain Lots of ReNu MultiPlus Contact Lens Solution

Health Canada is warning consumers not to use Lots GC6038 and GC6052 of the product ReNu MultiPlus contact lens solution because they contain higher than expected amounts of iron that could reduce the product's effectiveness and cause serious eye injury from infection.

A recall of the affected lots from wholesalers, retailers, distributors and eye care professionals has been initiated by the manufacturer, Bausch and Lomb.

ReNu MultiPlus is used for the cleansing, rinsing and storage of soft contact lenses. Bausch and Lomb has advised Health Canada that it began an investigation into the product after receiving three customer reports of discoloured solution. This discolouration is caused by higher than expected levels of iron, and indicates that the solution may be losing effectiveness.

People who used the affected lots and experience symptoms of eye infection such as redness, swelling, discharge, pain, itchiness, increased sensitivity to light or change in vision should seek medical attention.

The affected lots were packaged in ReNu MultiPlus Club Packs and ReNu MultiPlus Vision Packs, each of which contain two 480 mL bottles of solution. Lot numbers can usually be found on the front panel of the bottle.

If any bottle of this product has either of the Lot numbers GC6052 or GC6038, then it is part of this recall and consumers should immediately stop using the product and either dispose of it or contact the Bausch and Lomb consumer affairs line (1-888-459-5000) to arrange for a replacement. However, consumers should not discard these products until they have received guidance from their Municipal Government regarding their safe disposal. The Drug Identification Number (DIN) for this product is 02230538. The DIN can be found on the front panel of the product label and outer packaging.

Health Canada continues to monitor the effectiveness of this recall. Consumers requiring more information about this advisory can contact Health Canada's public enquiries line at (613) 957-2991, or toll free
at 1-866-225-0709.

To report a suspected adverse reaction to this or any other health product, please contact the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Program (CADRMP) of Health Canada by one of the following methods:

Telephone: 1-866-234-2345
Facsimile: 1-866-678-6789

Marketed Health Products Directorate
Tunney's Pasture, AL 0701C
email: cadrmp@hc-sc.gc.ca

The CADRMP adverse reaction reporting form, including a version that can be completed and submitted online, is located on the MedEffect portal (www.medeffect.gc.ca) of the Health Canada Web site.

For further information: Media Inquiries: Health Canada, (613) 957-2983;
Public Inquiries: (613) 957-2991, 1-866 225-0709



Eye Braces Can Correct Your Vision While You Sleep

What if you could change the way you see while you slept and straighten out bad vision with eye braces. So, Should you get laser surgery, contacts or wear glasses?

NBC4's Dr. Bruce Hensel reported that an operation was done with a little florescent dye in the eye so the tear pattern could be seen.

It's just one way doctors can see if NBC producer Tim Williams' special contact lenses or eye braces are in place.

Williams volunteered for a research study on the night-wear corrective lenses, officially known as orthocaratolgogy or CRT lenses.

The hard and thick glass contact lenses are worn to bed each night.

Hensel said like retainers or braces that move your teeth overnight, eye braces reshape your cornea while you sleep, but the changes in your eye aren't permanent.

"Kind of like how LASIK would change the shape of your cornea, just without surgery," said Dr. Robert Joyce, Optometrist.

Dr. Robert Joyce said one night's correction can last up to week. Hensel warned they are not for everyone and can be uncomfortable.



Dry Eye Treatment by Omega Fatty Acids in Combination with Artificial Tears

Managing dry eye has become an important part of postoperative refractive surgery patient management, as dry eye symptoms are among the most frequent complaints of patients who have undergone excimer laser surgery.

The most common treatment for dry eye is the use of artificial tears, which provides only instant and incomplete symptom relief. Use of active supplementary compounds such as the omega fatty acids is a recent option for dry eye treatment. Omegas are essential fatty acids, which are known to be deficient in our daily diets.

Supplementation of omegas works in multiple ways to relieve and treat the symptoms of dry eye. It improves the quality of meibomian gland secretion and stimulates aqueous tear secretion by repairing tear secretion in dysfunctional lacrimal glands and decreasing lacrimal gland apoptosis. Omegas also suppress inflammation in blepharitis and meibomitis, as seen in inflammation of joints in rheumatoid arthritis and rosacea.

Intake of omegas, together with artificial tears, will potentially be a successful dry eye treatment for maximizing effectiveness of the existing system. Further clinical trials are indicated to define the advisability of omegas intake and quantify the recommended dosages for this compound’s more widespread use.

For more information:

* Noel A. Alpins, MD, can be reached at 7 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham, Victoria 3192 Australia; 61-3-9584-6122; fax: 61-3-9585-0995; e-mail: alpins@newvisionclinics.com.au.

* David R. Hardten, MD, can be reached at Minnesota Eye Consultants, 710 E. 24th St., Suite 106, Minneapolis, MN 55404, U.S.A.; 612-813-3600; fax: 612-813-3658; e-mail: drhardten@mneye.com.

* Thomas F. Neuhann, MD, can be reached at Helene-Weber-Allee 19, Munich 80637, Germany; 49-89-159-4040; fax: 49-89-159-40555; e-mail: prof@neuhann.de.


Anti Wrinkle Product Recalled After Tested Positive for a Bacteria

DermaFreeze365 anti-wrinkle products are being recalled in Canada and the United States after testing positive for a bacteria that could cause health problems, including eye, urinary tract and respiratory infections.

The recall involves the following Woodbridge Labs Inc. products:

* DermaFreeze365 Instant Line Relaxing Formula, UPC codes 6-05923-36501-6 and 6-05923-36502-3.
* DermaFreeze365 Neck and Chest product, UPC code 6-05923-36503-0

Certain lots of the product tested positive for Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, which can trigger serious infections in the urinary tract, respiratory system, soft tissue, eyes and bones and joints.

The company, based in Van Nuys, Calif., warns that people with suppressed immune systems, including patients hospitalized with cancer or cystic fibrosis, are at particular risk of infection.

If the cream is applied to the eye area, the bacteria could cause an eye infection and possibly lead to blindness. No associated illnesses have been reported to the company.

For more information, consumers can call the company at 818-902-5537.



Novagali eye Treatment for Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) Successful in Phase III Trial

Israeli-French drug development company Novagali SA, which was founded on the basis of research conducted by Prof. Simon Benita of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has successfully completed European Medicines Agency (EMEA) Phase III clinical trials of its eye treatment for Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)..

This is a rare form of chronic allergic conjunctivitis seen in children and characterized by ocular discomfort, pain, itching and intense photophobia (sensitivity to light), which severely debilitates the patients.

The drug has been classified by the EMEA as an orphan drug. The company said that it would file for European Marketing Authorization by mid-2007.

Novagali has several eye treatments undergoing advanced clinical trials. Its next product will be designed to treat Dry Eye Syndrome.



UV Exposure to the Eye On Early Morning and Late Afternoon is Almost Double

New research from Japan found that from Spring through Fall, Ultraviolet exposure to the eye during early morning and late afternoon was approximately double that of the mid-morning/early afternoon period most often thought of as peak sun exposure time.

Using a specially designed model to measure and record the amount of UV-B rays entering the eye, researchers concluded that eyes are at greater risk to UV exposure at times that many may not be taking proper steps to protect them. (PRNewsFoto/VISTAKON, division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.)

Using a specially designed model to measure and record the amount of UV-B rays entering the eye from sunrise to sunset, researchers at Kanazawa Medical University concluded that eyes are at greater risk to UV exposure at times that many individuals may not be taking proper steps to protect their eyes. Findings from the study were recently presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society in Osaka.



Progesterone can Effectively Treat Dry Eye Syndrome

A topical cream containing 15% progesterone can effectively treat dry eye syndrome, according to a study.

"The data suggest the anti-inflammatory properties of progesterone may be useful for dry eye treatments," said Charles G. Connor, PhD, OD, in a poster presentation here at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting.

Dr. Connor evaluated tear breakup time, Schirmer's test results and IOP and administered the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire to 30 patients to measure the effectiveness of the topical progesterone treatment. He found that tear breakup time significantly improved from 5.96 ± 2.18 seconds at baseline to 8 ± 3.5 seconds after 3 weeks of treatment with the cream. Schirmer's test results also improved after treatment, although not significantly, from 11.9 ± 6.87 mm at baseline to 14.175 ± 8.41 mm.

There was no change in IOP throughout the 3-week treatment period, and the OSDI score reflected symptomatic improvement of 20%, going from 28 to 22, and this was significant at the P = .05 level,Dr. Connor said.



Virtual Eye Surgery Make a Big Difference in the Operating Room

Eye surgery is a very delicate procedure and, as with any surgery, there are risks. Risks related to cataract removal surgery include infection, hemorrhaging, glaucoma, corneal swelling and retinal detachment. A serious infection after surgery can lead to loss of vision.

In the past, ophthalmologists were only able to practice on the eye of an animal or a cadaver or had to wait until they were in surgery with a person to get hands-on experience. Now, with the use of an eye surgery simulator, doctors can practice surgery without touching a real eye.
Another benefit of the simulator is being able to track every movement the doctor makes during surgery, so it tracks if he or she is bumping into parts of the eye that shouldn't be touched.
Another benefit over an eye from an animal or cadaver is the machine tracks progress over time, so superiors can realize when a resident is ready for surgery. The system is also a quicker and more efficient way to learn compared to other practice surgery methods because the set up and take down time is much easier.
Residents can perform 10 or 20 cases in the time it would take to do one or two cadaver eyes.
The simulator also gives trainees a chance to learn new techniques and gain more experience much earlier than those training using other methods.
Residents also report the simulator helps ease their fears about surgeries, which may make it safer for the patient because the doctors feel less anxious about the surgery.

The simulator lets the doctor choose virtual instruments from various sizes that they will use to perform the surgery. The virtual eye also reacts to a stimulus based on depth, angle and number of repetitions. The device allows trainee doctors to encounter complications often observed in real patients, like the patient moving, bubbles in fluid caused by instruments, or the pupil changing size during surgery. The simulator helps doctors gauge depth perception, so they can map out the movements they need to make during surgery. These little instances make a big difference in the operating room.


Thomas F. Mauger, M.D.
Chairman and Director
The Havener Eye Institute
Department of Ophthalmology
The Ohio State University


Macular Degeneration is the Leading Cause of Blindness in Older Americans

In the past, macular degeneration was poorly understood and there were no treatment options. Recently, there have been dramatic improvements in the treatment of the wet type of the disease, which can result in rapid visual loss if left untreated.

Research is also being conducted to help slow down the visual loss associated with advanced dry AMD.

The macula is the center of the retina responsible for sharp vision. It is critical for tasks such as reading and driving.
Aging changes in the macula include deposits underneath the retina, called drusen, and pigment alterations that may result in reduced oxygen and nutrient exchange. As a result, retinal function is impaired and retinal tissue may be lost, in a process called atrophy. These changes constitute dry AMD, which affects 90 percent of patients with the age-related macular degeneration. Generally, dry AMD causes a very slow loss of vision. However, when atrophy is extensive or involves the center of the macula, severe loss of vision may occur.

Although there is no treatment for the slowly progressing dry type of AMD, there are some things you can do to protect your vision. If you smoke, you should try to quit, since smoking doubles your risk for developing the disease and for further loss of vision. A healthy diet that includes green leafy vegetables and low fat intake has been shown to slow down the progression of the condition as well.

A large clinical study, called the AREDS study, showed that supplemental vitamins containing high concentrations of vitamins A, C, E and zinc can slow down the progression of the condition.

Lutein and omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial for the retina. A large-scale clinical study sponsored by the National Eye Institute is being conducted to determine whether these vitamins can benefit patients with AMD.

For the wet type of AMD, an exciting new drug was approved by the Federal Drug Administration in June 2006 called Lucentis. For the first time in the history of treating wet AMD, Lucentis offers a 30 percent to 40 percenOften, patients require three treatments initially, and then they are monitored. If leakage recurs, treatment is re-administered.

With all forms of AMD, there are three important guidelines.
First, it is critical to catch the disease early.
Second, it is important to start any treatments as soon as any leakage or bleeding begins to preserve as much vision as possible. This means regular eye exams are vital for anyone over age 55, especially for anyone with a family history of retinal disease.
Third, you should try to reduce your risk factors by watching your diet, avoiding smoking and second-hand smoke exposure and taking vitamin supplements if advised by your ophthalmologist.



Corneal Transplantations in US have a High Success Rate

While corneal transplants may not get the news coverage that large organ transplants receive, some 40,000 are performed each year across the United States.

Corneal transplantations are restoring sight for many who years earlier may have been blinded permanently by corneal injury or disease.

A corneal transplant isn’t a life-saving surgery, but it certainly improves the quality of your life.

The surgery takes about an hour and in most cases is done on an outpatient basis at hospital surgical centers, according to Dr. Steven Sicher, a corneal specialist at Illinois Eye Center in Peoria. Sicher, who does the highest percentage of the corneal transplants in the area, performs about 40 each year.

“There are some 2.5 million cataract surgeries but only about 40,000 corneal transplantations each year in the United States.

Corneal transplants have been done with success in the United States since the 1950s.

Corneas need to be clear and have a smooth curve,” the corneal specialist said.

During the transplant procedure, the surgeon removes the central portion of the cloudy cornea and replaces it with a clear one.

The surgeon places the new cornea in the opening and sews it in place with the aid of a microscope. Anywhere from 24 to 32 hair-thin stitches are used.

“The stitches may remain for six months to two years before they are removed.

After the surgery, the patient is given medicated eye drops to fight infection and prevent rejection.

Some rejection occurs in about one of 10 cases,rrejection is uncommon, but it can occur at any time, even 20 years after the transplant. Ninety percent of rejections, however, occur in the first year.



Syphilis Related Eye Infections are Rising Fast

Eye specialists have warned of a resurgence in syphilis-related eye infections as cases of the sexually-transmitted disease escalate in gay communities.

Ophthalmologists say they are treating growing numbers of men who present with painful, red eyes or hazy vision caused by syphilis infection.

Homosexual men are most commonly affected, with infectious disease experts predicting the epidemic will spread through gay communities nationwide with time.

Fewer than 10 per cent of people who catch the disease develop symptoms in their eyes, causing redness, pain, light sensitivity and loss of vision.

But in those who do, 25 per cent will have no other symptoms of the syphilis and therefore often have no idea they have the debilitating condition.

Syphilis notifications rose more than 20-fold in inner-Sydney between 1999 and 2003 - from six cases to 162.

Victorian statistics show there were only two notifications of syphilis in 1999, but annual reports had ballooned to 238 by 2006. There were almost 80 cases in the first three months of 2007, showing numbers are rising further.



Contact Solution Linked to Nasty Eye Infection Acanthamoeba Keratitis

Beware contact lens wearers. If you’re using AMO Complete Moisture Plus Multi-Purpose Solution, be aware that it’s been linked to a rare eye infection.

Government officials from the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are looking into 138 confirmed cases, and in the meantime, it is recommended that anyone using the solution throw the bottle away, along with your lenses and contacts case. All three of these may contain the infecting amoeba.

The solution is apparently a factor in the occurrence of a nasty infection called Acanthamoeba keratitis. It is a painful eye infection which can lead to serious problems such as permanent vision loss and total blindness. Advanced Medical Optics Inc., the company that makes the solution, has issued a “voluntary recall.” Confirmed cases have been reported as far back as January of 2005.

Eighty-five percent of Acanthamoeba keratitis cases are in contact users, but normally it's extremely unusual. However, even contact users who are conscientious about their lens care can contract it, as well as non-contact wearers.



Advanced Medical Optics Sued Due to Rare Eye Infection Acanthamoeba Keratitis

A San Diego man Michael Connolly, an engineering systems analyst, contracted acanthamoeba keratitis, an infection that can cause pain and blindness. The lawsuit, filed Monday in Orange County Superior Court, claims Advanced Medical Optics made a defective product and failed to warn consumers.

Connolly has not recovered from the infection and may need surgery. He is almost legally blind in one eye, .

Complete Moisture Plus Multi-Purpose solution was recalled May 25 after federal regulators found people who used the solution had a greater risk of acquiring a rare eye infection.

AMO spokesman Steve Chesterman declined to comment today.

Howevever In the past, the company has said there were no manufacturing or contamination problems and blamed improper use by consumers.


If anyone has experienced eye problems, call AMO at 1-800-347-5005 and the Food and Drug Administration at 1-800-332-1088.


Contact Lens Solution Withdrawn from UAE Market

A multi-purpose contact lens solution, which has been linked to a blindness-causing parasitic infection, has been withdrawn from the UAE market as part of a worldwide initiative.

Complete MoisturePlus Multi-Purpose contact lens solution, made by Advanced Medical Optics, has been linked to 138 confirmed cases in the United States of Acanthamoeba keratitis, an extremely rare but serious microbial infection.

Abu Dhabi-Health Authority banned the contact lens solution in the emirate on Wednesday. Representatives of the company in the UAE began withdrawing the solution voluntarily in the rest of the country on the same day.

Dr Mohammad Abu Al Khair, acting head of drugs ad medical products department in AD-HA, told Gulf News that they instituted the forced recall for the product "based on recommendations from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centres of Disease Control (CDC)".



You Need to be Careful While Wearing Contact Lens

While wearing contact lenses and you run the risk of getting an eye infection. That's why you need to be careful how you handle them.

Good hygiene means always washing your hands - with soap and warm water and then drying them with a clean towel - before you touch your lenses or your eyes.

Wear and replace the lenses according to the schedule prescribed by your doctor.

You should remove contact lenses before any activity involving contact with water, such as showering, swimming or going into a hot tub.

Dr. Robert Teiche, an optometrist at Virginia Mason Medical Center, says, it's important to follow the manufacturer's cleaning and disinfection guidelines. And don't forget the lens case.

Some people with extended-wear contacts keep them in when they go to sleep. The eye doctors at Virginia Mason don't recommend that. Your chance of an eye complication is much greater when you do sleep in contact lenses.

Remember, an eye infection can be more than painful, it can threaten your vision. So if you experience any unusual symptoms, contact your eye doctor right away.

For More Information:

Caring for your contact lenses

Contact Lens Care: Tips from the College of Optometrists



Women’s Beauty Habits Causes Eye Infection

Research by the College of Optometrists has revealed that women's beauty habits are putting their eye health at risk.

Despite recommendations that eye make-up should be thrown away after six months, one in four women continues to use bacteria-ridden products that are over four years old.

A quarter of those surveyed confessed to sharing eye make-up with friends and family, even though one in 10 admitted to frequently suffering from conditions such as conjunctivitis, said the College.

Welsh women were the worst culprits. A third admitted to owning eye make-up that was over four years old while women in their late 30s and early 40s had the oldest make-up bags one in five admitted to using make-up that was over five years old.

Dr Susan Blakeney, optometric adviser to the College, said: 'Mascara can be a breeding ground for bacteria, so it's not surprising we've found nearly half of women suffer from itchy, watery and red eyes.'



Eye Drug Lucentis Recommended by UK’s NICE to Treat Wet AMD

Novartis AG's Lucentis drug against wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) received a recommendation from the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for use on the National Health Service.

Lucentis should be used for about 20 pct of patients with AMD, a condition which causes sight loss and blindness, when both eyes are affected, NICE said in a statement last night.

NICE said it does not recommend the use of OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc (nasdaq: OSIP - news - people )'s rival eye treatment Macugen.



Nanoceria is a Good Vessel for Delivering Drugs Directly Into the Eye

Sudipta Seal at the University of Central Florida in Orlando was testing cerium oxide nanoparticles, or nanoceria, for use as a catalyst to remove grime from oven walls, when he realised they might have medical applications.

Surprisingly, not only did nanoceria not irritate the eyes of rats and rabbits, in some cases they helped protect cells from light damage (New Scientist, 30 August 2003, p 16). Hence Seal realised that nanoceria might make a good vessel for delivering drugs directly into the eye.

Glaucoma involves an abnormal build-up of fluid inside the eye. Existing eye-drop treatments contain chemicals that don't attach to transport proteins very effectively, so only a small amount gets through the cornea. Now Seal and colleague Sanku Mallik have successfully combined nanoceria with a compound that blocks the hCAII enzyme, which is involved in producing fluid inside the eye (The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, DOI: 10.1021/jp067666l).

Source: NewScientist


CDC identified outbreak of a serious eye infection called Acanthamoeba

Acanthamoeba keratitis is caused by a free-living ameba (Acanthamoeba) a microscopic organism found everywhere in nature.

Infections can result in permanent visual impairment or blindness. AK primarily affects otherwise healthy people, most of whom wear contacts lenses. In the United States, an estimated 85% of cases of this infection occur in contact lens users.

The incidence of the disease in the U.S. is approximately one to two cases per million contact lens users. CDC has received reports of 138 cases of culture-confirmed AK in 35 states and Puerto Rico, with complete patient data available for 46 case-patients. Thirty-nine of the 46 case-patients wore soft contact lenses.

Preliminary information obtained by CDC from patient interviews indicates that, among soft contact lens users who reported the use of any type of solution, 21 (58%) reported having used Advanced Medical Optics (AMO) Complete MoisturePlus Multi-Purpose Solution in the month prior to symptom onset. Out of the 37 case-patients for whom clinical data was available, 9 (24%) failed medical therapy and required or are expected to undergo corneal transplantation.

Based on these findings people who wear soft contact lenses who use Advanced Medical Optics (AMO) Compete MoisturePlus Solution should:

  • Stop using the product immediately and discard all remaining solution including partially used or unopened bottles. Choose and alternative contact lens solution.
  • Discard current lens storage container.
  • Discard current pair of soft lenses.
  • See a health care provider if experiencing any signs of eye infection: Eye pain, eye redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, sensation of something in the eye, or excessive tearing.
  • All contact lens users should closely follow prevention measures to help prevent eye infections, which include See an eye care professional for regular eye examinations.
  • Wear and replace contact lenses according to the schedule prescribed by an eye care professional.
  • Remove contact lenses before any activity involving contact with water including showering, using a hot tub, or swimming.
  • Wash hands with soap and water and dry before handling contact lenses.
  • Clean contacts lenses according to the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions from an eye care professional.
  • Use fresh cleaning or disinfecting solutions and rewetting drops to disinfect lenses. Neither solution is an effective or approved disinfectant.
  • Never use saline solution and rewetting drops to disinfect lenses. Neither solution is an effective or approved disinfectant.
  • Store reusable lenses in the proper storage case.
  • Storage cases should be rinsed with sterile contact lens solution (never use tap water) and left open to dry after each use.
  • Replace storage cases at least once every three months.

Clinicians evaluating contact lens users with symptoms of eye pain or redness, tearing, decreased visual acuity, discharge, sensitivity to light, or foreign body sensation should consider AK and refer the patient to an ophthalmologist. Early diagnosis can greatly improve treatment efficacy.

Clinicians or microbiology laboratories should report cases of AK to state and local health departments or directly to CDC at telephone, 770- 488-7775.

Source: emaxhealth


Homeopathy is Proved to be Very Much Effective in Eye Diseases

Dr Upendra Shaha has cured various eye diseases of numerous people suffering for long in spite of several efforts made by the different doctors from Nepal and India.

Dr Shaha said if an eye patient suffering for a long time takes homeopathic medicine, he will regain his normal eyesight without using eye glasses.

Not only the minors but also several other adults and elderly people have been happy to find themselves normal after this treatment.

Stating that some 20,000 eye patients have been cured with this therapy, Dr Shaha said he is willing to set up an Eye Hospital for Children.



Tranquileyes Eye Hydrating System: New Hope for Dry Eye Patients

A new study says that dry-eye patients now can get better relief by Tranquileyes Eye Hydrating System. Over 60 million Americans suffer from potentially debilitating dry-eye symptoms and the numbers are growing.

Tranquileyes goggles naturally restore moisture by creating heat and increasing humidity around the eye, which helps stimulate tear production and reduce the evaporation of natural tears. Thermoeyes gel pad inserts boost the intensity and duration of the tranquileyes moist heat treatment. The extra heat helps open the meibomian glands which secrete the oily lipid layer of the tear film, slowing evaporation of natural tears.

In a recent study over 14 dry-eye patients Robert Gerowitz, OD, FOAA, who has been treating dry-eye patients for more than 25 years, compared the effectiveness of traditional warm compresses to Thermoeyes heat packs used with the Tranquileyes goggles.

The results showed 1) The Thermoeyes system improves Tear Break-up Time by 57% over standard warm compress, 2) The Thermoeyes system was proven up to 223% more effective than warm compresses for managing Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, 3) All patient symptoms decreased or were all together alleviated.



Tranquileyes Eye Hydrating System

Dr. Robert Latkany, one of the country's leading dry-eye experts and author of the new book The Dry Eye Remedy: The Complete Guide to Restoring the Health and Beauty of Your Eyes, has tested and now recommends tranquileyes Eye Hydrating System for his patients.

Tranquileyes goggles naturally restore moisture by creating heat and increasing humidity around the eye, which helps stimulate tear production and reduce the evaporation of natural tears.

Now, tranquileyes is introducing a microwavable version of their thermoeyes gel pad inserts to boost the intensity and duration of the tranquileyes moist heat treatment. Place the gel pads in a cup of water and heat in the microwave. Then insert the gel pads into the goggles and you've turned up the volume on your dry-eye relief! The extra heat helps open the meibomian glands which secrete the oily lipid layer of the tear film, slowing evaporation of natural tears. Users will experience noticeable relief in just 10 minutes of use.

Tranquileyes goggles are hypoallergenic and made with FDA approved materials. They feature a beautifully sculpted eye cover, made from medical grade, flexible material. Fabric lined visco-elastic foam especially designed to form to the face, cushions the eye cover, providing increased comfort while controlling the temperature and humidity within the eye environment. A uniquely designed adjustable comfort wrap holds the eye covers in place and the stretch fabric ensures no pinching, even with extended wear.

Source: Eye Eco


Embryonic Stem Cell Can Cure Blindness

Human embryonic stem cell can repair damaged retinas and cure blindness, according to a British study.

They believe the technique is capable of restoring vision in the vast majority of patients with age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness among the elderly that afflicts around 14 million people in Europe.

The disease is caused by faulty retinal pigment epithelial cells, which form a supporting carpet under the light-sensitive rods and cones in the retina.

The new procedure will generate replacement retinal pigment epithelial cells from stem cells in the lab, with surgeons then injecting a small patch of new cells, measuring 4 by 6 millimeters, back into the eye.

Surgeons at Moorfields have already restored the vision of a few patients using cells harvested from their own eyes, which were moved to a new site. But this process is complicated and only a small number of cells can be moved, limiting its use.

“If it hasn’t become routine in about 10 years it would mean we haven’t succeeded,” he told reporters. “It has to be something that’s available to large numbers of people.”



CustomVue Monovision Lasik Got Federal Approval

CustomVue Monovision Lasik, the first LASIK device designed for treating one eye to see far away objects and the other eye for close-up vision has got the FDA approval.

Monovision is a corrective technique used to treat people with presbyopia, which is normal age-related loss of the ability to focus on near objects. The intent is for the person to use one eye for distance viewing and one eye for near viewing.

"Unlike traditional LASIK, Monovision LASIK may reduce the need for reading glasses in some people over 40," says Daniel Schultz, M.D., Director of FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

People considering CustomVue Monovision Lasik should first wear monovision contact lenses for at least a week to determine if they can tolerate having one eye under-corrected. Following monovision surgery, both eyes may not work together as well as they did before in some people, especially in dim light or when performing tasks requiring very sharp vision or fine depth perception. Patients may need to wear glasses or contact lenses for some activities such as night driving or reading small type.



Polylactic Acid (PLA), Cosmetic Eye Enhancer Leads to Disfigurement

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a popular cosmetic eye enhancer which is used to decrease volume loss around the eyes. According to a new study in Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, cosmetic eye enhancement with polylactic acid (PLA) leads to disfigurement when not injected properly.

"PLA should not be injected superficially, especially around the eyes," said study author and dermatologist Greg Goodman. "This material does not act as a dermal filler, which would be injected superficially to smooth wrinkles, but needs to be placed deeply below the muscles to be a safer and more effective agent."

Dr. Goodman cautions against its use around the eyes unless completed by a doctor who is experienced in its use.


Update: Complete MoisturePlus Contact Lens Solution Causing Acanthamoeba Keratitis

Complete MoisturePlus Contact Lens Solution, manufactured by Advanced Medical Optics, is used for cleaning and storage purposes for soft contact lenses. The solution recently has been found by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to cause a seven-fold increase in a rare eye infection, Acanthamoeba keratitis, affecting those who use it. The infection is very serious and can lead to blindness or corneal infections in those who are exposed to the bacteria.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this year began receiving numerous complaints about outbreaks of Acanthamoeba keratitis, an infection caused by microscopic parasites that literally infest the human eye.

In evaluating the Acanthamoeba keratitis outbreak, the CDC identified 138 confirmed cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis in the United States, with complete data available for 46 case-patients. Thirty-nine of the 46 case-patients wore soft contact lenses. Among the soft contact lens users 58% reported having used Advanced Medical Optics (AMO) Complete MoisturePlus Multi-Purpose Solution in the month prior to manifestation of symptoms. CDC released a Health Advisory through its Health Alert Network on May 25 of this year, informing contact lens wearers that they should discard all Moisture Plus solution and any lenses or lens cases that came in contact with Moisture Plus lens solution.

If not controlled in time, the infection can permanently blind its victim by scarring or tearing the cornea, which is responsible for about 80 percent of a person's vision. Such victims will need a cornea transplant if they are to ever see clearly again. This is an extremely dangerous infection. If you haven't stopped using Complete MoisturePlus Contact Lens Solution then do so immediately. This is the second major eye infection outbreak after Fusarium Keratitis last year.

According to CDC users of MoisturePlus should:

1. stop using the product immediately and contact the company at 1-888-899-9183 or on the web at http://www.amo-inc.com for instructions on what to do with unused solution;
2. discard all soft contact lenses used with AMOCMP;
3. discard all contact lens storage cases used with AMOCMP; and
4. consult their eye care provider about choosing an alternative contact lens solution.

Furthermore, they should visit their eye care provider if they experience any signs of eye infection, including eye pain or redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, sensation of something in the eye, or excessive tearing.

This is the second major outbreak of rare fungal infection after Fusarium Keratitis which is caused by contact lens solutions. Is it merely a coincidence? I think the safety regulation compliance of factories of contact lens cleaner solution manufacturers like Bausch & Lomb and Advanced Medical Optics are not being properly monitored. Should be regulations be more stringent or the enforcement? I think the enforcement may be at lapse here.

There are several ongoing lawsuits against AMO with some seeking class action status. We will keep you updated.


AMO Will Begin Shipping Contact Lens Solution After Acanthamoeba Keratitis Outbreak

Advanced Medical Optics Inc. said that it plans to begin shipping a new multipurpose contact lens solution in the first half of next month, returning to the market after recalling its Complete MoisturePlus contact lens solution in May due to significantly increased risk for severe eye infection - Acanthamoeba Keratitis, which can completely damage the cornea requiring corneal transplant.

AMO said its new product would provide effective disinfection and comfort to users. AMO plans to make the new solution widely available to consumers in the United States by early September.

On May 27, AMO recalled Complete MoisturePlus after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) interviewed 46 patients with Acanthamoeba keratitis, a rare but serious cornea infection, and found that of the 39 who wore soft contact lenses, 21 used Complete MoisturePlus.

The most recent recall followed AMO's November recall of almost 3 million units of Complete MoisturePlus solution due to sterility problems.

What consumers would like most from AMO is concrete assurances that the current product will be free from the risk of eye infections and exactly what steps they have taken to rectify the problem.


Truth Behind Eye Care Myths

We have been hearing some myths about eye care from our childhood and we sometimes are guided by those. So it is very necessary for all of us to know the actual truth behind these myths to take better care of not only our eyes but also that of our children. Some of the famous doctors uncovered the truth.

Eating carrots improves my eyesight.
This is a very popular and as well as an ancient myth of eye care. This myth influences us in such a range that we often eat carrot without cooking it and think it as the best eye care. Now it is the time to look up the truth. Dr. David Kercheval, OD, of Kercheval Eye Care says that this story stems from the days when folks didn’t get enough vitamin A in their diet and needed carrots for an extra boost.

“It is a rare deficiency in the U.S., so eating a lot of carrots will do nothing but turn your skin yellow,” Kercheval said.

According to Dr. Amy Walden, OD, an optometrist for Family Eye Care at LensCrafters, lot of beta-carotene in carrots is indeed very good for eyes, but it hardly improve eye sight.

UV protected glass is not necessary for me
“You definitely need that filter,” Walden said. “Most of our glasses and sunglasses have the UV protection — and some have UVB protection to filter out rays from the sun that can cause cataracts.”

It is highly recommended even if you are a contact lens user.

Can I use my disposable contact lenses for much longer than the recommended duration.
You cannot do so. According to Walden, lens wearers who overextend their lens’ recommended lifetime are prone to infections, corneal ulcers and swelling in the cornea, and ultimately they starve the eye of oxygen. Eventually, the lenses break down and stretch to the point they no longer fit the eye properly.

“Hygiene and replacing of the lenses offer the best opportunity for eyes to do well and see well,” McCormick said.

Only those who need glasses require to go for their eye check up regularly.
Sometime we think that as we do not have glasses our eye is perfect and their is no need of regular eye checkup. But these check up not only can indicate whether you need glasses or contacts, they also screen for retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts and other potentially harmful conditions.

Walden said many other illnesses show up in the eyes first, including high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Even when a person’s vision isn’t impaired, these conditions can be detected in the retina, she noted.



Important Guidelines for Contact Lens Users

Sometime it becomes very difficult for contact lens users to find out a proper guide of handling contact lens. Here are some important tips for successful lens wear and care.

If you want a clear vision, better eye health and maximum comfort you should do:-

  1. Wash and rinse your hands before you handle your lens. Clean, rinse, and disinfect your lens each time you remove them.
  2. Handle your lens with your fingertips, avoiding any contact with your fingernails.
  3. Apply hair spray before inserting your lens.
  4. Apply make-up after inserting your lens.
  5. Store lens in a leak-proof lens case when they are not being worn, and disinfect before use.
  6. Clean and disinfect one lens at a time to avoid mixing up the left and right lens.
  7. Use a lens case that clearly indicates left and right.
  8. Replace your lens and your lens case on a regular basis - visit your eye practitioner to discuss the most suitable lens replacement schedule for you.
  9. Store all contact lens solutions at room temperature (59-86ºF).
  10. Keep the caps of your solutions closed when not in use.
  11. Use solution before expiration date marked on bottle.
  12. Schedule yearly appointments with your eye care practitioner.
  13. Contact your eye care practitioner if you have questions or concerns.

Do not do

  1. Do not re-use any lens care solutions.
  2. Do not use saline to disinfect your lens.
  3. Do not use eye drops or solutions not intended for use with contact lenses.
  4. Do not mix any eye medication with lens care solutions except under medical supervision.
  5. Do not wear your soft contact lens when working in the presence of harmful or irritating vapours or fumes.
  6. Do not use eye make-up in the inner margin of the eyelids as small particles could be transferred onto the surface of your lens.
  7. Do not allow soaps, cosmetics or other substances to come into contact with your lenses.
  8. Do not touch the tip of the bottle to any surface as this may cause contamination.



August: Designated as Cataract Awareness Month

Month of August has been declared as "Children's Eye and Safety Month" as well as "Cataract Awareness Month" by the nation's leading volunteer eye health and safety organization, Prevent Blindness America.

There are two different sides of needs of eye care, for children, healthy eyes and good vision are not only vital to their ability to see but also their ability to learn and function in today's society and for senior citizens, the modern technology will enable them to live more enjoyable and productive lives.

Protection for eyes of children:
Respected health organizations now warn that good eyesight in children is directly linked to their ability to learn. The American Public Health Association points out that 25 percent of students in kindergarten through sixth grade have visual problems serious enough to impede learning. There are also reports that 60 percent of children with learning disabilities have undiagnosed vision problems. Early detection of eye problems is paramount.

Protection for eyes of adults:
Modern technology has enabled seniors to discover a "whole new world" of eyesight. Seniors are not content to go "quietly into the night." They want to be active and productive as long as they can. In the 1960s, cataracts were removed in surgery only if the eye was completely blind. Surgery was long and complicated, and patients had to stay in the hospital two weeks, often with their heads held in place by sandbags.



Lasik Surgery Cures Maximum Eye Problems

In a new study by the National Eye Institute Refractive Error Quality of Life (RQL) Instrument, it is found that though the vast majority of patients who has undergone through a Lasik surgery, experience no long-term complications of the surgery, a small percentage find themselves with permanent visual defects that are difficult to treat and hard to live with.

The problems which they suffer includes starbursting or halos emitting from light sources. Symptoms tend to diminish if the size of the pupil is reduced. Some believe that a large pupil before Lasik means poor night vision after Lasik, however several studies have shown no predictable correlation between preoperative pupil size and postoperative complications.

Results showed that correlations between larger pupil diameter and higher RQL satisfaction scores (0.12 and 0.19, respectively) were not statistically significant, however if refractive error remained, patients reported significantly more worry, less satisfaction , less clear vision, and worse far vision. Improvement in residual refractive error provided more satisfactory results and a higher perception of quality of life.



Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis Spreading Quickly In Korea

The Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned that keratoconjunctivitis ("pink eye") and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is spreading quickly among a growing number of people in Korea.

The number of patients suffering from acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis has been rising sharply in Ulsan, Gyeongsang and Seoul since last week. KCDCP official Park Ok said that eye diseases rear up every August when school resumes after the summer break. The illnesses are particularly rampant in Ulsan and South Gyeongsang Province.



Lissamine green Shows Promise In Dry Eye Detection

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye ailments. According to various estimates, it affects 10 percent to 30 percent of the world's population, including 10 million to 14 million Americans — mostly older women. Symptoms include eyes that burn or sting, blurred vision, frequent blinking, light sensitivity or a sandy or gritty feeling like something is in the eye.

Lissamine green, an eye-drop stain is used by ophthalmologists to detect damaged cells on the eye's surface, flagging them green under special lighting.

"What this research showed is that the degree and pattern of staining was a good, objective indicator of the severity of the tear deficiency," said Dr. James McCulley, chairman of ophthalmology at UT Southwestern and one of the world's leading experts on dry eyes.

In a study by Dr. McCulley and his colleagues found that the severity of the dry eye condition in patients correlates with where the stain patterns show up. Those basic patterns are:

* The least-severe condition is indicated by stains limited to the whites of the eyes between the lids toward the nose. This so-called nasal staining doesn't necessarily predict dry eye: it might be caused by environmental factors, such as pollution.

* The second level appears as stains in the white of the eye between the lids, but toward the ear. "That is fairly diagnostic of a tear deficiency," Dr. McCulley said.

* The third and most severe level occurs when the stain also appears on the cornea.

"That's when things really get serious," said Dr. McCulley, the study's senior author. "If the dry eye is significantly affecting the cornea, it deteriorates vision and adds a major risk factor for a person developing a bad infection."

"When the surface is healthy, we're protected against the vast majority of bacteria. But if there's a compromise of the surface, then bacteria can invade," said Dr. McCulley, who said the investigation was inspired by his many years observing staining patterns in the patients he treated.

Researchers examined the stain patterns in 22 patients with varying degrees of dry eyes and 11 patients without ocular disease, who served as control subjects. The research not only revealed the progressive pattern, but also underscored the value of using lissamine green stain over the more commonly used fluorescein stain, which doesn't easily identify damage until it is more progressed.

"If an ophthalmologist uses the most commonly used stain, which is fluorescein, they're going to miss the first two stages of the development of dry eye and consequently miss a lot of diagnoses," said Dr. McCulley, director of the Theodore and Mary Beasley Laboratory for Ocular Surface Research and the Jean H. & John T. Walter Jr. Center for Research in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

"The more severe stage is not only more problematic in affecting vision, but it is more difficult to treat and reverse," Dr. McCulley said. "So it's very important to diagnose at the mild stages because it can become a self perpetuating disease if not effectively treated."



Cosmetic Eye Surgery Removes Glasses & Contact Lenses

Now a days cosmetic eye surgery has become very effective to reduce or even eliminate one’s reliance on glasses or contact lenses.

Cosmetic eye surgery of the eyelids which is one of the different popular cosmetic surgery, is basically directed towards that of the improvement of age-related changes to the tissues of the eye, obviously in particular to the eyelids.

Two other incredibly popular procedures in regards to this particular field are the eyebrow lift and the lower lid blepharoplasty; in the eyebrow lift the eyebrow is raised, and in the blepharoplasty excess or redundant skin is removed via incisions which are hidden purposely in natural skin lines.



Fusarium Keratitis: General Information And Awareness

What is Fusarium Keratitis?

Fusarium Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea, the clear membrane that covers the colored part of the eye (iris) and pupil of the eye. It is caused by Fusarium which is a large genus of filamentous fungi widely distributed in soil and in association with plants. The higher incidence of fusarium keratitis among normal contact lens wearers is a new finding.

General Symptoms:

Symptoms of Fusarium keratitis include eye pain, foreign body sensation, redness, tearing, discharge, or light sensitivity. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should return to your optometrist immediately.


Adults and children who wear contact lenses should on a regular basis use sterile lens-cleaning and disinfecting solutions. Tap water is not sterile and should not be used to clean contact lenses. It is important to go for follow-up checkups because small defects in the cornea can occur without the patient being aware of it. Do not overwear contact lenses. Remove them if the eyes become red or irritated. Replace contact lenses when scheduled to do so. Proteins and other things can deposit on the contacts, leading to an increased risk of infection. Rinse contact lens cases in hot water every night, if possible, and let them air dry. Replace contact lens cases every three months. Organisms have been cultured from contact lens cases.

How to treat Fusarium Keratitis

Clinically, it is often difficult to differentiate between fungal and bacterial infections. Confirmation may be obtained by your doctor through corneal culture, corneal tissue biopsy or confocal microscopy. Laboratory results take time to get back, so your doctor may place you on antibiotics pending results. Should fungal treatment be warranted, topical or oral anti-fungal agents may be used. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

However the standard treatment of Fusarium fungal keratitis is frequent use of Natamycin 5% drops, often used every hour around the clock initially. A cycloplegic drop, e.g., scopolamine 0.25%, is also usually used to decrease the inflammation inside the eye. Occasionally, oral antifungal medications, e.g., itraconazole, fluconazole or voriconazole are also used. An urgent corneal transplant may be required in deep infections with impending or frank perforations.


Advanced Glaucoma: Trabeculectomy With Minimal Intraoperative Manipulation Prevents Vision Loss

Shishir Agrawal, MS, DNB, FRCS announced that performing trabeculectomy with careful postoperative care and as minimal intraoperative manipulation as possible can assist in vision loss prevention in advanced glaucoma cases.

He and other doctors conducted a prospective study of 200 eyes with 5° or less of remaining visual fields due to advanced glaucomatous damage. He presented the findings at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting. All patients had a standard trabeculectomy performed without an antifibrotic agent. Follow-up was 1 month to 1 year. There was cataract progression in eight cases and uveitis in five, Dr. Agrawal said.

According to him, filtration surgery is strongly recommended in end-stage glaucoma. "We feel that it should be made a standard practice to operate such cases, so that the last bit of the important vision remains intact."



Breakthrough Glaucoma Surgery With CO2 Laser

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in USA affecting at least 2 million people annually. It is the leading cause of blindness in the African-American community in USA. Prof. Assia, , which treats thousands of glaucoma patients each year.

One of a small number of surgeons in the world who currently perform a complicated form of glaucoma surgery, Prof. Assia, director of Ophthalmology at Meir Hospital in Israel, has developed a CO2 laser device named OTS134 that promises to revolutionize treatment of glaucoma.

Laser Glaucoma surgery is expected to give most practicing eye surgeons the ability to master complex glaucoma surgery very quickly.

The most common surgical treatment in use today perforates the wall of the eye, often resulting in collapse of the eyeball, infection, cataract formation and other complications. A more effective and elegant approach, a specialty of Prof. Assia's, involves penetration of the eye wall to a depth of only about 95 percent, leaving a razor-thin layer few microns width intact.

This highly-specialized non-penetrating surgery, requiring years of rigorous training and great skill, is performed by only a small number of surgeons at leading international ophthalmology centers.

CO2 is a relatively strong type of laser, it is normally not a likely candidate for use on something as delicate as the eye. However, one of the CO2 laser's unique characteristics is that it does not function when it comes in contact with liquid.

Working in partnership with the Israeli-based company IOPtima, Prof. Assia has already carried out a series of successful human trials. A larger worldwide study will take place this year before the company launches the OTS134 — as it plans to do in the United States — by the middle of 2008. via Psyorg


Newly Developed Laser Surgery Device Makes Glaucoma Procedures Safer, Simpler And Faster

Prof. Ehud Assia and Dr. Ami Eyel of IOPtima has developed a novel laser device, called OTS134 that promises to revolutionize treatment of glaucoma.

The most common surgical treatment in use today perforates the wall of the eye, often resulting in collapse of the eyeball, infection, cataract formation and other complications. A more effective and elegant approach, a specialty of Prof. Assia's, involves penetration of the eye wall to a depth of only about 95 percent, leaving a razor-thin layer intact. The difference between success and failure may amount to just a few microns.

"Several years ago I served as a consultant for a company that produces CO2 lasers, which are used for different kinds of cosmetic and skin surgery. Because it is a relatively strong type of laser, it was not a likely candidate for use on something as delicate as the eye. However, one of the CO2 laser's unique characteristics is that it does not function when it comes in contact with liquid. It occurred to me that this would be a perfect fit for non-penetrating surgery, because the moment the CO2 laser came in contact with the intra-ocular liquid, it would automatically shut off," he recalls.

Glaucoma, nicknamed the silent sight thief, affects 3 million Americans every year, with onset around the age of 40. "Glaucoma is a serious problem that starts to cause nerve damage to people without them realizing that anything is happening to their eyesight, often before it is too late, " says Prof. Assia, who is also the director of Ophthalmology at Meir Hospital in Israel, which treats thousands of glaucoma patients each year.


Laser Surgery Cures Blindness Of A Glaucoma Affected Horse

Florida doctors have restored vision of a blind horse caused through a laser surgery. The 11-year-old horse, Ego-Trip was already blind in his left-eye caused by glaucoma.

Owners Lisa and Larry Dahl and their 15-year-old daughter Victoria noticed Ego's right-eye becoming cloudy as his behavior began to change. "Ego was bumping into things and not acting the same," said Lisa Dahl. "We realized he was going totally blind."

Their primary veterinarian from Odessa Equine recommended they see an ophthalmologist for horses. They met with Dr. Franck Ollivier at Surgi-Care Center for Horses in Brandon for their first meeting in March, 2007.

"The next day after surgery, Ego returned home was back to acting like his old-self again." said Lisa. "We're very thankful."

"Glaucoma is also the number one cause of blindness in people, which is significant. We treated him with a Diode laser to decrease the production of liquid inside the eye, and therefore decrease the pressure. Since then, he is visual and comfortable" said Ollivier.

The Diode laser used in the surgery was from Florida Veterinary Specialists and Cancer Treatment Center in Tampa, a state-of-the-art specialty veterinary facility where Dr. Ollivier also practices ophthalmology for pets.


Age-Related Macular Degeneration Can Be Avoided By Taking Nutrients

Researchers concluded that eating yellow and green vegetables may help people aged 60 and older avoid age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness.

They have conducted a new study of some 4,500 people aged 60-80 who were screened for age-related macular degeneration, which hampers central vision.

In surveys, participants reported how often they had eaten 90 different foods during the past year. Those foods included yellow and green veggies rich in the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin.

Those with the highest self-reported intake of foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin were 35 percent less likely than those with the lowest lutein and zeaxanthin intake to have "wet" age-related macular degeneration.

"Wet" age-related macular degeneration involves the growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the macula. Those blood vessels leak blood and fluid, disrupting vision.


Photorefractive Keratectomy: Laser Eye Surgery Alternative Gains Prominance

Photorefractive Keratectomy, an alternative LASIK has shown better result in the case of Cindy Duong, who was suffering from nearsightedness.

Cindy Duong went to see her doctor for LASIK, however her doctor said to her that the cornea in her left eye was too thin to both cut the flap and contour her cornea, as LASIK (short for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery requires. Instead, her doctor suggested she consider a procedure she'd never heard of: photorefractive keratectomy which doesn't entail a flap. Instead, the surgeon removes the very top layer of cells from the cornea, often by scraping them away after loosening them with alcohol, and then uses a laser directly on the exposed surface to shape it.

Duong had Photorefractive Keratectomy on her left eye and LASIK on her right. As expected, she noticed an immediate improvement in the vision in her right eye and felt no discomfort. Meanwhile, her left eye was irritated, and her vision was blurry for about a week. But then a funny thing happened. As the weeks passed, she noticed that her left eye caught up with and then surpassed the eyesight in her right eye. Her left-eye vision was slightly clearer, and she had fewer problems seeing at night.

"Now, my PRK eye is much better than my LASIK eye," says the 26-year-old chemist from Chicago. "At night, there's definitely a blurriness in my right eye more than my left."

Between 2005 and 2006, the percentage of all laser eye surgeries that were performed using PRK and other "surface ablation" techniques — in which tissue is ablated or removed from the surface of the eye rather than from the inside as it is with LASIK — rose from 8 percent to 13 percent, according to Market Scope, an ophthalmic research company. Meanwhile, the actual number of laser surgeries declined slightly during that time, from 1.41 million to 1.38 million.

"Surgeons today are doing a higher percentage of PRK than in the past, and their mix is changing," says Dave Harmon, president of Market Scope.

Two other surface-ablation techniques, LASEK and Epi-LASIK, are essentially newer versions of PRK. Instead of removing the very top layer or "skin" of the eyeball, they push it to one side and then replace it following laser surgery on the surface of the cornea. Research is inconclusive, but many experts say these newer techniques don't actually reduce the discomfort caused by the surface ablation.


Epi-LASIK: Fast Recovery Time & Improves Patient’s Comfort

According to several eye surgeons, Epi-LASIK is a viable alternative to photorefractive keratectomy with alcohol or mechanical scraping, boasting faster recovery time and pain that is manageable with medication.

Dr. Hardten, an OSN Corneal/External Disease Section Member, said epi-LASIK makes epithelial edges that are well-demarcated. These edges could explain why the healing process is faster than with PRK, which uses alcohol or mechanical scraping to remove the epithelium. He said the best candidates for the procedure are those who qualify for surface ablation but cannot have LASIK, such as those who have thinner than normal corneas. Although femtosecond laser technology may expand the number of patients who can have LASIK, including some with thin corneas, surface ablation procedures are best in some cases.

He emphasized that the microkeratome should be well- centered. He said, just as with LASIK, it is important to carefully examine the limbus and pupil for centration and for a “hinge” for the epithelium.

“For most of the patients, I go ahead and take the epithelial sheet off, so I try to center the cut of the epithelium and the removal of the epithelium on the pupil, so I have a nice, large area for the ablation,” he said. “In most cases, with the procedure itself, you get an area of exposure of the stroma that’s adequate for the ablation. But in some patients, if you didn’t get it properly centered or the flap is smaller than desired, then you may need to move the epithelial manually in some areas, to make sure you have exposure of Bowman’s layer and the stroma to all areas you’re going to be treating with the laser.”

"What we’ve found is that the visual recovery is a little bit faster than PRK, maybe on the order of a day or a day and a half faster,” said Dr. Davis, an OSN Practice Management Section Member. “Faster visual recovery is probably the biggest benefit.”

According to Dr. Lindstrom, OSN Chief Medical Editor, when surface ablation is indicated or patients request a surface ablation procedure, he now uses epi-LASIK routinely.

“I still do a lot of LASIK, and our group still does a lot of LASIK,” he said. “We’re impressed with the outcomes that we get from femtosecond LASIK, but when it comes to doing a surface ablation, I’m impressed that epi-LASIK is a significant advance over alcohol-assisted manual removal.”
Benefits of epi-LASIK

Dr. Lindstrom said the epi-LASIK procedure has several measurable benefits, including faster visual recovery and more rapid epithelial wound closure.

Some surgeons have reported less pain with epi-LASIK than with standard PRK. We basically found minimal pain with either standard PRK or epi-LASIK because of our medical regimen,” Dr. Lindstrom said. “It has been a significant benefit to our patients to have the faster visual recovery and more rapid epithelial healing. This has made us more comfortable recommending bilateral, same-day surface ablation, which is a convenience for patient, surgeon and laser center.”

“One of the objections to surface ablation is pain, and we’ve learned how to manage that,” Dr. Lindstrom said. “The other is slow visual recovery, and the Moria device has speeded up visual recovery. It’s still not as fast as LASIK, but it’s a lot faster than the surface ablation we use to perform. In addition, the cornea re-epithelialized faster. Those pluses of epi-LASIK make me less resistant to doing surface ablation.”


LASIK Eye Surgery Pricing Review

LASIK is the most popular laser vision surgery worldwide and as because it's considered an elective medical procedure (like cosmetic surgery), most health insurance policies do not offer a benefit for LASIK surgery, therefore you will have to pay the entire surgical fee out-of-pocket, so it is very important to get an idea of LASIK pricing.

Main Factors In LASIK Pricing:
The price of LASIK can vary considerably, depending on:

  • The type of laser technology you choose.
  • The type of surgical instrument used to create the corneal flap.
  • Whether or not your pre-op exam and follow-up visits are covered.
  • Whether or not your post-op medications are covered in the fee.
  • Whether or not retreatments (if necessary) are covered in the fee.
  • The skill, reputation, and experience of your surgeon.
  • The community and area of the country you live in.

2007 LASIK prices:
Earlier this year, AllAboutVision.com commissioned a report by a leading refractive surgery industry analyst regarding 2007 pricing for LASIK surgery performed in the United States. Among the findings stated in the report:

  • The average price for LASIK (and other laser vision correction procedures) among surgeons and laser vision centers who quote a single laser vision correction surgical fee (with no add-on charges for more advanced technology like IntraLase flaps and wavefront-guided laser treatment) is $2,099 per eye ($4,198).
  • The average price for wavefront-guided LASIK combined with an IntraLase laser-created flap (often referred to as customized all-laser LASIK or custom IntraLASIK) is $2,357 per eye ($4,714).
  • The average price for conventional LASIK combined with a bladed microkeratome-created flap is $1,694 per eye ($3,388).

TLC Vision Corp. and LCA-Vision, Inc. are two of the largest corporate laser vision correction companies in the United States. TLV Vision operates 80 TLC Laser Eye Centers in the U.S. and LCA-Vision operates 70 LasikPlus Vision Centers across the country. Both companies are publicly traded.

In its quarterly filings for the second quarter of 2007 ending June 30, TLC Vision reported $47.0 million revenue from 33,900 procedures, for an average procedure revenue of $1,386 per eye ($2,772).

In its quarterly report for the same period, LCA-Vision reported $69.7 million in revenue from 48,668 procedures, for an average procedure revenue of $1,423 per eye ($2,846).

Neither company's report included a detailed breakdown of how many of the procedures they performed during this period were conventional LASIK surgeries vs. wavefront-guided, all-laser procedures. (Also, average revenue per procedure may not accurately reflect the average price per procedure at LasikPlus and TLC Vision, due to delayed billing, financing, accounts receivable, etc.)


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