Which LASIK Surgeon Is Right For You?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Have you determined if you are the right candidate for LASIK laser surgery by considering all the things that can go wrong, and looking at all the available options? If you have, and you still think it is the right thing to do, then the next logical step is to start looking for a LASIK surgeon.

Even though the risks associated with LASIK are relatively smaller than other conventional types of surgery, you should still take researching a LASIK surgeon seriously. Do your homework by compiling a set of criteria and evaluating each surgeon against this set of criteria.

Carefully consider what each LASIK surgeon regard as their procedure of choice. Do they use the traditional LASIK that uses a blade to make the incision or do they prefer "bladeless" InterLase lasers to make all the cuts. Ask them as to what they regard as the most reliable and what they mostly use.

Don't limit your criteria to cost or experience alone, but look at what you feel most comfortable with. This decision will affect you for the rest of your life, so don't do something to please anyone.

Be skeptical about claims such as "20/20 vision" or "your money back guarantees." Once you vision is messed up, no amount of money may be able to restore it. Go as far as checking these doctors against the consumer affairs office or better business bureau to verify that they are in good standing. Know and understand your rights as it relates to surgery and LASIK in general.

Appreciate what can happen during the surgery and ask your potential LASIK surgeon how he/she would deal with a situation that could potentially end a procedure. Mistakes can happen which can lead to your eyes damaged permanently without even a chance to have corrective surgery.

Also ask your LASIK surgeon how he/she would handle the following situations that may come up after surgery. For example:

-the migration of the flap,

-the inflammation or infection,

-intensive eye drop treatments, or

-additional procedures that may be necessary after
the initial surgery.

There is a FDA standard that all LASIK surgeons are held to, which relates to the type of laser used during the surgery. Find out what type of laser your potential LASIK surgeon uses and compare it to the FDA's approved list.


Am I A Good Lasik Candidate?

LASIK is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. The goal of this Web site is to provide objective information to the public about LASIK surgery.

Eye Examination

A complete eye examination will be done before surgery to make sure your eyes are healthy. Once this is determined, the doctor will measure the curve of the cornea and the size and position of the pupils, the shape of the eyes (making sure there are no irregularities that would prevent LASIK as an option), and the thickness of the cornea (making sure there will be enough tissue left, once the cornea is cut and reshaped).

A signed informed consent form is needed before the procedure, confirming knowledge of the risks, benefits, alternative options, and possible complications.

Am I a Good Lasik Candidate?

A large percentage of nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatic patients are potential candidates for LASIK. Patients who are 18 years of age or older, have healthy eyes that are free from retinal problems, corneal scars, and any eye disease are suitable. Along with being medically suitable, the best candidates are people with a lifestyle or occupation in which they are dissatisfied with their contact lenses or glasses. By having an evaluation, examination, and consultation with you, the doctor will be able to determine if you are a good lasik candidate.

Only after a comprehensive examination and consultation can you really be sure you are a good candidate for LASIK Laser Eye Surgery or Custom LASIK Eye Surgery.

How Soon After LASIK Can I Exercise?

Non-contact sports can be resumed as soon as you feel capable. Eye protection is always recommended for racquet sports or rough sports where there is a risk of being hit in the eye.

We urge you to find out more about Lasik Eye surgery and find out how it can benefit you today!


Lasik Laser - Get Yourself A New Vision

LASIK surgery is available today with the new technology ushering its way into the ophthalmologic industry. It can actually get you rid of those bulky glasses and uncomfortable lenses.

LASIK is a medical term used as an acronym for Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. This technology called LASIK uses laser beam known by the name of ‘excimer’ to rematerialize the eye lens and thus correcting any vision deformity. A flap is created by picking up the corneal layer and the laser beam is then focused towards the desired area. The beam’s energy evaporates particles from the affected area and thus reshapes it.

LASIK can correct refractory vision problems such as hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. But it proves fruitless in case of age related vision deformities such as presbyopia, where LASIK cannot work due to the thickening of eye lens and weakening of eye muscles.

Much new advancements are coming in the LASIK procedures, like the complete bladeless surgery, where the flap in the cornea is also created by using the LASIK laser beam. Blade tools such as microkeratome which is used in traditional LASIK laser surgery, is not used in the newer method mentioned above known as Intralase LASIK. Other technologies such as Wavefront give much better results, both in terms of vision enhancement, and healing time required. Usually not many complications are involved.

What is done actually in Wavefront procedure is that some unique waves are focused on your eye, which then gets reflected back carrying the description of your eye. They are taken in software, which then works on this information and produces a graphical representation of your eye on a computer screen, telling your surgeon exactly where the problem lies.

LASIK laser industry is fast growing through such timely advancements. There is something to fulfill every patient’s individual need. A good LASIK surgeon first spends some time understanding the patient’s requirements which are unique in every case. These pre-surgery sessions are very important which makes all the difference between surgery which gives fruitful results, and one that goes awfully incorrect. This is easy to understand, as obviously no two eyes are alike.

Different combinations of the technologies can be configured to choose one that is best suited for you. Intralase LASIK laser surgery combined with the Wavefront technology has produced some of the most wonderful results for so many eyes. This surely has made it one of the most popular options amongst the surgeons and patients alike. The most vital thing, you should be careful about is to choose the best lasik surgeon.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Eye Surgery has been designed to change the shape of cornea to correct the defect.


Features of Wavefront Lasik.

With the advancement in the medical field at an exponential rate in the past few decades, the process of surgeries has undergone a major shift. The development of Wavefront Lasik surgery is one such change that has sparked new hopes for seriously ill patients. It is an offshoot of Lasik (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), a form of eye surgery through the use of laser beams. This operation is carried out by a trained ophthalmologist and has proved to be an effective treatment method for eye disorders like hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism.

Wavefront Lasik is a method in the above said surgery procedure which uses a spatially changing correction technique to get the most optically correct eye. It is a bit different from the usual Lasik procedures where simple correction of the cornea is done to make its focusing power better. Since the Wavefront technology uses the three dimensional scanning of the eye while the operation is being carried out, the precision of the entire process is enhanced. It is a more preferred method of eye correction process these days as the doctor can get to know about the exact point of fault in the eye of the patient. This customized treatment can go a long way in knowing the peculiarity of a case, and the right treatment can be done accordingly. One of the best things about Wavefront Lasik surgery is that it reduces numerous post-Lasik surgery side-effects like halos, glare and irregularities in night vision.

Wavefront Lasik is similar to Lasik in many ways. It uses the same excimer laser for the operation as its earlier counterpart and creates a flap in the corneal region of the eye of the patient. It also is precise like Lasik in its treatment and simply eliminates the faults in the cornea by vaporizing them. It has an edge over the traditional Lasik in a few more ways. Many HOA (High Order Aberrations) cannot be treated using the traditional Lasik method of operation. Disorders like halo formation or night vision problem can be corrected using only Wavefront Lasik as the older Lasik method is not developed to cure them.

The procedure of Wavefront Lasik surgery is simple, a beam of light is sent to the cornea of the patient which is reflected back to the computing device to create a three dimensional image. This image gives an idea of the flaws present in the eye to the doctor who then uses the data to guide the laser at the precise faulty points. This way, the disorder on the cornea of a patient can be treated effectively and in the least risky way. It is a highly customized method of treatment and every operation is unique in its own way. It is specially designed to cure the particular patient rather than giving a general treatment for a range of similar disorders. Wavefront Lasik might be the right choice for you if you have a disorder that is deteriorating the quality of your vision. It is simple, less risky and widely available at all the leading hospitals across the world.


Lasik Eye Surgery - A Refractive Eye Surgical Procedure

Lasik Eye Surgery is a refractive surgical procedure that works wonders on the eyes of people suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. It reduces a person's complete dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The full form of Lasik is Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis and is a procedure that involves permanently changing the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye using an excimer laser.

How is Lasik surgery done?

The surgery should be done with great skill as it involves the most delicate part of human body. It is done with a knife called microkeratome and is used to cut a flap in the cornea. A hinge is done at one end of this flap and then the flap is folded back revealing the stroma, which is the middle section of the cornea. Instant pulses from a computer-controlled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma and the flap can be easily replaced.

How is Lasik advantageous over other surgical procedures?

Lasik eye surgery is quite advantageous over other surgery procedures because they often involve much less pain as an aftermath. Lasik unlike other eye surgeries also promise extremely good vision that can be achieved almost immediately or at least by the next day.

What to do in Lasik eye surgery?

But before you go for the Lasik surgery, you should have a proper test done by your physician. The optician will examine your eyes to determine their health, analyze the kind of visual correction needed and determine how much Lasik ablation is required. Risks like losing vision, developing debilitating visual symptoms, severe dry eye and large refractive errors are often associated with Lasik eye surgeries. So you consult a proper eye surgeon for the best results.

Once you are confident about undergoing the Lasik eye surgery you should follow certain rules to get quick results from the surgery.


11 Helpful eye care tips for Computer users

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Most of our work is done on computers, and there is usually no escape from it. It is a visually intensive task and, unfortunately, our work pressure and lifestyles do not give us the opportunity to be kind to our eyes.

Which is why these tips should come in handy.

i. Know your eyes

Tears: The first line of defence, they also serve as lubrication by keeping the eyes moist and nourished; they also have a corrective lens function.Eyelids: Their main job is to protect your eyes from dirt, dust and harsh light.

Eyelashes: A protective net for your eyes.

Cornea: A refractive zone that guides light to reach the retina.

Pupil: Controls the amount of light that enters your eyes.

Lens: A refractive zone that also guides light into the retina.

Retina and Optic Nerve: A bunch of intricate wiring that carries vision signals between your brain and eyes.

ii. Exercise your eyes

Dr Harish S Belvi, a practising ophthalmologist (eye specialist) based in Mumbai, says that regular work hours should be infused with short breaks. During such breaks, he suggests a small and easy exercise: “First, blink your eyes several times. While you keep your eyes closed, roll your eyeballs both clockwise and anticlockwise and take a deep breath. Gradually open your eyes while releasing your breath. This exercise lasts for a minute and you can repeat it three times before getting back to work.” It serves as a good workout for the eyes.

iii. Look away

While working for long hours, look at distant objects either in your office or outside. Looking at a distant object and then returning to your task helps your eyes focus better. Try taking such visual breaks for about five to 10 minutes every hour.

iv. Palming

Sit straight at your workstation and rub your palms against each other till you feel them warm. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax tired eyes. Then, lightly cup your eyes with your palms and relax for 60 seconds. Count the seconds in your mind. Repeat this exercise two to three times whenever your eyes feel tired, or as often as you want. While palming, you can either rest your elbows on your desk or keep away from the desk and cup your eyes. Both ways are fine.

v.Splash water on your face

During breaks, splash water on your face while closing your eyes. This has an overall relaxing effect and helps you feel refreshed.

vi. Take a walk

After you’re done with lunch, take a stroll outside your office for a few minutes. This will give your eyes a much-needed break and get them some fresh air.

vii. Use tea bags

Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work. Once you are home, place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also reduces puffiness.

viii. Drink water

Drink plenty of water. It helps reduce puffiness. When a person is dehydrated, especially in an air-conditioned office, the body starts storing water as a defence mechanism. This adds to puffiness around the eyes.

ix. Eat healthy

Incorporate Vitamins A, C, and E on a daily basis; eat citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, tomatoes, spinach, poultry and dairy products. Pack a box of chopped carrots, cucumber and fresh fruits and munch in-between meals at the office.

x. Know your contact lenses

“Ideally, a person who uses lenses should wear it for not more than 10-12 hours a day and occasionally for 14 hours a day,” suggests Dr Belvi.

Never wear your contact lenses while swimming. The pool water houses various micro-organisms as there are several people using it. This may lead to fungal infections in the eyes. In addition, the chlorine in the water can damage your contact lenses.

“Lenses are like sponge, making them susceptible to attracting dirt,” says Dr Belvi.

xi. Eye dos and don’ts

~ Visit your doctor

“One should ideally visit their ophthalmologist once a year, but if there is a problem with your eyes, visit sooner,” suggests Dr Belvi.

In addition, before buying an eye-care product such as eye drops, always check the expiry date and don’t forget to check the prescription. It is always advisable to visit your ophthalmologist prior to visiting your optician. Remember, your ophthalmologist is trained to detect several other eye related diseases, apart from the reading of your eye power.

~ Wear antiglare glasses while driving or at work

“Antiglare glasses are mainly used for focused light — such as full beam car headlights — and serve well for night driving. These can also be used while working on the computer,” says Dr Belvi.

Using a pair of antiglare glasses while working on a computer can reduce the strain on the eyes to a certain extent. If you wear contact lenses, wear a pair of zero powered antiglare glasses for the same purpose.

~ Use re-wetting eye drops

An office environment that is predominantly air-conditioned, coupled with a computer intensive job, this is the perfect combination for dry eyes.
In such cases, you can use re-wetting eye drops to give relief to your eyes. Why? “When dry eyes occur, the aim is to get the tears back into our eyes — whether it is naturally (by simple blinking exercises), or artificially (if the problem aggravates),” says Dr Belvi.“Re-wetting eye drops have a similar in composition to natural tears. One should go for eye drops that do not have any preservatives. Eye drops with preservatives are toxic to the eyes in the long run. You can use re-wetting eye drops as and when required, but preferably span it to a minimum of four to six times a day. If the problem persists, visit your ophthalmologist as soon as possible.”The two most commonly used preservatives in all eye drops are Benz Alkonium Chloride and Chlorbutol. Read the contents of the bottle carefully and avoid eye drops with these preservatives.~ Reduce your smoking and alcohol intake“Smoking and alcohol consumption (either alone or combined) causes irreversible optic nerve damage. As both nicotine and alcohol are nerve toxins, they affect the nerves in the long run. Over a period of time, this can lead to poor or weak eyesight,” warns Dr Belvi.~ Never rub your eyes

If dirt enters your eyes, do not rub as this may cause the dirt to stick inside. “Blink several times to start your tears flowing; this will help flush out the dirt,” advises Dr Belvi. “If you rub your eyes, the dirt particle will keep disturbing your vision and irritate your eyes. In such cases, seek your ophthalmologist’s help immediately.”


Treating Dark Circles

  • Massage with almond cream and wipe off with cotton after 5 minutes to get rid off eye circles.

  • Apply milk around eyes to cure the dark circles.

  • Wet cotton with rose water and keep on eyes and remove after 10 minutes to treat dark circles.

  • Grate potato and squeeze juice. Apply around the eyes.

  • Put ice cubes in tea decation and put in refrigerates for 1 hour. Apply with cotton and wash after 1 hour.

  • Massage a good whitening cream very gently around the eyes, starting from the corners of your eyes and working outwards, it will help to avoid the dark circles.

  • Apply cucumber juice below your eyes every night just before going to bed.

  • Mix the pulp of a quarter tomato, turmeric powder, lemon juice and gramflour (besan). Apply this mixture on your dark circles and wash off once it dries.


Eye care tips

  • Take A vitamin diet to make eyes brighter. (papaya, eggs, fish, milk, cilantro etc.,)

  • Wash eyes with cold water to get sparkling eyes.

  • Put sliced cucumber over your eyes to treat dark circles.

  • Put potato slices on your eye to get rid off those dark circles.

  • Soak amla overnight in water and use this water the next morning to wash the eyes.

  • Soak cotton in Luke warm milk and cover eyes with it for 15 min.

  • If your eyes are red and feeling itchy, massage your scalp with curd.

  • To soothe tired eyes, dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on closed eyes for 10 minutes. Now relax completely.

  • To completely relax the eyes and the surrounding muscles, close your eyes and think of something that is pleasant or soothing and at a distance. Now gently open your eyes and look into the distance. Next focus on an object at arm's length. Do this extremely relaxing exercise four or five times a day.

  • Soak 1 tsp. dry amla in one cup of water overnight. Next morning strain it through a muslin cloth and then add one extra cup of water. Splash your eyes with this solution each morning. This makes your eyes sparkle.

  • For Puffy Eyes: Grate a potato with its peel and apply on your closed eyelids for about 20 minutes and relax completely. You may even take a nap.

  • wash your face before sleeping, and ensure that there is no make-up on your face before you sleep, because, make-up creams may spoil your face as it will be there for the whole night. It is better if no cream is applied. What I feel is, wash your face before sleeping and if at all you want to apply any cream, just apply night cream and none other than that.


General Eye Care

To rest the eyes, lift them occasionally from close work and look into the distance.
Give rest to your tired eyes by applying two thin slices of cucumber as cool compress and relax as you do so.

Splash cold water occasionally to eyes to relax them and bring back the sparkle to tired eyes.
Prevent the glare of light which has a fatiguing effect on the eyes. Light fixtures in the bedroom should reflect light upwards as well as outwards and not direct on the eyes.
Dip gauze. pads in light tea and keep on the tired eye for 15 minutes.
To fade away -dark circles below the eyes, make paste of three almond kernels and milk. Apply this paste: and leave till it dries.
When applying cream or make up around the eyes use the ring finger (as it exerts less pressure).
Dark shadows and tiny lines under the eyes can be disguised by applying a light coloured foundation under them and smoothening them.
To remove puffiness under the eyes, use raw potato paste sandwiched between two thin pieces, of (for each eye) and keep on the eyes for 20 minute.

If your eyes are on the smaller side, open the using subtle grey, beige or brown shades of shadow, using a darker shade on the crease of the lid.
Apply a pale shade of eye shadow on the lid and deeper shade below the brow for deepest eyes.

When applying mascara, brush with an outward sweep to the underside of the top lashes and allow it to dry before giving a second coat. After this, use a small comb or a small brush to separate them.
Remove mascara from the eyes by rubbing a little moisturizer on the lashes or by dipping a bit of cotton wool in hot water and wiping them. Or place a roll of cotton wool under the top lashes and wipe from above with another piece of damp cotton wool.

If your brows are thick, pluck hair from inner corners with a pair of clean tweezers and pluck from the middle to make an upward arch and let the brow end in a thin line.
Before you start plucking the hair from the brows, draw the sort of eyebrows you have in mind with an eyebrow pencil and pluck from beneath.
When tweezing hair from the eyebrow, pull in the direction of the hair growth with a quick flick of the hand.
Never pluck from above the brow or the re-growth will give a greenish appearance.

For a long face, give the brows a shape by extending them past the outer corners of the eyes to give the illusion of width.

For a square face, pluck above the inner eye-corners curving gently out.

For a round face pluck hair giving a straightest arch.

If the eyes are deepest, pluck the hair from under the brows to give the illusion of large eyes.

Simple everyday eye exercises

  • After every hour before a computer screen, close your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them.

  • Yoga experts recommend you to rotate your eyes often to relax muscles. Move your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner.

  • Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times. This helps prevent blurred vision.

When to see a doctor

  • If you have persisting headaches see a doctor and well light your work area and correct your reading/writing posture. · If you have sties often, they may indicate refractive error.

  • If you squint every time you read a book or watch television.

  • If you have dryness of the eyes, check out if it's due to antihistamines, decongestants, diuretics, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers that you may have taken.

  • If you plan to take oral contraceptives they may decrease tolerance of the eye.

  • Even if you have no complaints it's important to see a doctor and have a routine eye check up.

Don'ts of eye care

  • Don't wear contact lenses for extended periods of time or overnight as this leads to complication.

  • Don't rub eyes frequently as this can cause an eye infection as few of us bother to wash our hands before touching our eyes.

  • When you splash water do not do this furiously believing doing this will take away tiredness instead wash gently as splashing may hurtle the smallest dust particles or an allergen which may minutely damage the cornea.

  • Use disposable tissues instead of handkerchiefs to wipe eyes, as they are more hygienic.

  • Don't sit near than 15 feet from the television and keep your book at least two feet away for stronger eye muscles.

  • Use cream based eye makeup as powdery eye shadows can enter eyes and, cause irritation. Be very gentle in case you wear lenses.

  • Avoid using aerosol products like hairspray if you wear lenses.

  • Don't use your mascara for more than a year.



Lasik stands for Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis.As the name suggests, Lasik is a laser eye surgery used to correct different eye defects such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia.

How much does Lasik eye surgery costs in Los Angeles?

In Los Angeles Lasik eye surgery varies from surgeron to surgeon.There are other,more advanced techniques ,that can be more expensive that a traditional Lasik eye surgery.For example IntraLase.IntraLase is a newly developed technology that uses a laser beam to create a corneal flap instead of using a metal blade.This technique raises the costs of the lasik surgery by $300 per eye.

In Los Angeles the costs of Lasik varies from $1000 to $2500-$3000 depending on the lasik eye surgery center and surgeon.The best (and most expensive) lasik surgery centers are in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica area.

What are the other alternatives?

Some of the alternatives for Lasik eye surgery are PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and

LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis).LASEK is a newer procedure similar to PRK.
There are also alternatives to laser eye procedures like Refractive Lens Exchange (your eye's natural lens is replaced with an artificial one) or CK for Hyperopia (Conductive keratoplasty).Conductive keratoplasty is a new

procedure that uses heat form radio waves to shrink the collagen in the periphery of the cornea.It's important to know that RLE ( Refractive Lens Exchange) does not have U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval yet.

Lasik complications

Every surgery has risks and Lasik eye surgery is no different.Here are some frequently reported complications of LASIK :

- Overcorrection or undercorrection

- Dry eye

- Infection

- Double vision

Although there are some risks involved , patients having unresolved complications six months after surgery has been estimated to about 3%.


Lasik Recovery Time

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Irrespective of what many people say, including the doctors who perform the LASIK procedure, LASIK recovery time is not a 20 minutes phenomenon, but you take up to six months to completely recover. Patience is required by people who undergo LASIK surgery, as Addams Family of vision after surgery will depend on the procedure adopted, your refractive error, Apparition post-operative complications, if any. ajax hosting is often claimed that clarity of vision is attained immediately after the surgery, but it may not be true in most of the cases.

It is normal that post surgery, you face complications, such as ghosts, halos, starbursts, regular or irregular astigmatism, and reduction in clarity for a short period of time. Over a period of time, from as little as a few weeks to as much as six months, these complications may dissipate, and in certain cases, you may need further surgery before recovering fully. If these complications continue beyond six months, you may assume that these are permanent.

Step-By-Step Recovery after LASIK Eye Surgery

Let us look at the LASIK recovery time in stages:

* First Day After Surgery Most people can return to their normal routines a day after the surgery. You will need to regularly use antibiotics, steroids, and other medications for your dry eye syndrome. Do not rub your eyes for the first 7 days and, while the Archies do not let the water strike you on the face directly. Soap and shampoo in the eyes should be avoided strictly. Computer work, watching TV, and reading are acceptable, provided you lubricate your eyes regularly, and blink frequently. Light exercises are OK, but keep the sweat out of your eyes.

* One Week After Surgery Avoid touching your eyes, as well as keep sweat out of your eyes. Exercises are fine, but avoid swimming, whirlpools and hot tubs. Keep your eyes well lubricated, and use lotions, creams and eye makeup with care, unless advised to the contrary by your doctor.

* Three Weeks After Surgery Strenuous sports, including swimming, can be started, but with eye protection. You can start outdoor activities, but ensure that your eyes are well protected.

* 3 to 6 Months After Surgery It will take, at least this much time for your vision to stabilize. Fluctuating vision is part of the healing process and will take time to recover.

You may need re-surgery to correct certain anomalies. It is imperative that you follow your doctors instructions after the surgery. LASIK recovery time depends on the care you take with your eyes.

Find more information on www.lasereyeplus.com/lasik.html


A Very Useful Eye Exercise

Monday, July 7, 2008

#3 - 3 CUPS

The following describes a very useful eye exercise:

1. Refer to the above image labeled "#3 - 3 CUPS." You will also need a pen or pencil.

2. Sit relaxed and adjust your chair so that you are 12 to 24 inches from the computer monitor at eye level. If the image is not perfectly clear to you, that's all right, as long as you can make out the image.

3. Hold the pen vertically between the two circles approximately 1 inch from the screen. The top of the pen should be at the same level as the image.

4. Focus on the top of the pen as you slowly bring it toward your face. (Refer to Figure 3.2 below.) As you bring the pen closer to your face you will notice the two circles appear to become three circles. When it appears that the three circles are all the same shape and proportion, stop moving the pen.

5. Try to shift your focus from the pen to the center circle. This may be difficult and could take a few days to master. If you have trouble doing this, refer to "Troubleshooting" below.

6. Once you can focus on the center circle, move your pen away while maintaining your focus. Try to see the center circle as clearly as possible. As you increase your focus you will notice that the center circle becomes three-dimensional. It will look as if you were peering down into a Styrofoam cup. (Refer to Figure 3.3 below.)

7. Your final goal is to look at the two circles and create the three circles, the center one appearing three-dimensional, without using your pen.


a) You have trouble creating the third circle.

Move closer or farther from the monitor. Also, your eyes may have become tired very quickly, so briefly look away or perform the Distant Night eye exercise to refresh your eyes.

b) You see four circles.

Focus closer to the tip of your nose. Bring the pen closer to your face and keep your eyes focused on it. This should transform the four circles into three. Another option is to move a few inches farther from the monitor.

c) You cannot focus on the center circle.

If you can see the center circle but have trouble focusing on it without the pen, be assured that this is normal when you're first performing this eye exercise. Focus on the top of the pen, then slowly look over it at the center circle. Keep going back and forth between the two until you are able to focus on the center circle without the pen.


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