Sunday, August 24, 2008


Acupuncture/acupressure is an ancient system of healing developed over thousands of years as part of the traditional medicine of China, Japan and other Eastern countries.

The practice of acupuncture is thought to have begun with the discovery that the stimulation of specific areas on the skin affects the functioning of certain organs of the body, and that there exists currents of energy that flow in distinct patterns throughout the body called meridians. The belief and experience has been that when these currents of energy are flowing smoothly, there is health, when any of these currents are blocked there is pain and disease.


There are a number of acupuncture/acupressure points around the eyes (basically around the orbits of the eyes which are the bones that surround the eyeballs). The points shown above are some of the major local eye points.

Jingming (Bl-1) Urinary Bladder Channel, lies where the inner corner of the eye meets the nose. Bladder 1 and 2 are perhaps the best two points for eye problems of all kinds from early-stage cataracts or glaucoma to hysteria with vision loss. They are also used for problems with conjunctivitis due to Wind-Heat and Liver Heat, to blurred vision in the elderly due to Deficient Jing and Blood

Zanzhu (Bl-2) Urinary Bladder Channel, lies in the depressions at the inner ends of the eyebrows. See Bladder 1.

Yuyao Midpoint of the eyebrow in the hollow. Good for eye problems related to worry, excessive study and mental strain.

Sizhukong (T.B. 23) Sanjiao or Triple Burner Channel, in the depression at the outside end of the eyebrow. This is a local point good for eye and facial problems, whether due to Wind invasion or the Liver Yang and Fire.

Tongziliao (G.B. 1) Gall Bladder Channel, lies in the cavities on the outside corners of the eye sockets. Good for eye problems including conjunctivitis, red sore eyes, photophobia, dry, itchy eyes, early-stage cataracts and blurred vision, as well as lateral headaches.

Qiuhou Midway between St-1 and GB-1 along the orbit of the eyes.

Chengqi (St.1) directly blow the pupil on the infraorbital ridge bone. This is a main point for all eye problems, including those due to Wind Cold, Wind Heat and Hyperactive Liver Yang.

Instructions for doing self-acupressure for eye health:

GENTLY massage each acupuncture point around the orbit of the eye, starting with B1-1 and massaging each point as you go up and outward. Each point should be massaged for approximately 5-10 seconds. You can massage both eyes at the same time. You can do this massage as often as you like over the course of the day. You may find that each point feels different in terms of sensitivity.

Keep BREATHING as you massage. Deep breathing helps the cells of your eyes receive the oxygen they need for healing. Practice long, slow abdominal breathing while massaging the acupressure points.

CAUTION: If you are pregnant, consult a trained acupuncturist before treating yourself. Do not massage on an area if it has a scar, burn or infection.


BASIC EYE EXERCISES - Exercises 6 to 11

For OVERVIEW and INTRODUCTION please Click here

Exercise # 6: SCANNING

Staring is bad for your eyes because it freezes the energy and muscles, restricting the blood flow. Having your eyes scan is the opposite of staring. Scanning objects in your environment keeps your alive and energetic.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 6:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

You can stand, sit or move around your environment.

As you look at objects, let your eyes glide over them as if you were painting them with your eyes. Continue to breathe deeply and easily.

As your eyes shift from object to object allow them to move easily without staring and continue to breathing and blinking. They should move in a relaxed manner without any tension. Make sure to release any release any tension in the moth or the jaw.


This exercise is done to increase your awareness of the object you are focusing on and what surrounds it.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 7:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Choose a point to focus your attention with great effort towards the point. Then relax your focus and look at it effortlessly. Be aware of the difference in how you look with effort and without effort. Notice how your peripheral vision expands when you look with ease.

This way of seeing should permeate your everyday seeing and allow your vision to expand rather than become more narrow.

Exercise # 8: NEAR AND FAR FOCUS

This exercise is done to improve the flexibility of the eyes as they change from distance viewing to near visual focus.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 8:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Either sit or stand with feet shoulder width apart. If you are standing bend your knees slightly.

Hold your thumb six inches away from your eyes directly in front of your nose.

Gaze easily at the thumb and take a deep breath. Then focus on a distant object at least ten feet away and take a deep breath. Change this focus every breath. Feel the muscles in your eyes change as you shift your focus.

Exercise # 9: EYE MASSAGE

Throughout China, eye exercises are done in schools, offices and factories. By taking regular breaks for eye exercises, many people are able to prevent the need for glasses. These massage exercises are primarily concerned with relaxing the eye muscles. You will be using finger massage to stimulate what are known as "acupressure points."

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 9:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Sit quietly and relax, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent.

Close the eyes gently.

When you press each point, be gentle. Don't use too much force and avoid putting pressure on the eyeballs.

Put your thumbs below your eyebrows and above the inside corners of your eyes and place the other four fingers of each hand on your forehead. Press your thumbs into the point for four breaths.

Use the thumb and index finger of either hand to massage the bridge of your nose. Press the point and then squeeze with an upward motion. Press and squeeze four times for four breaths.

Place your middle fingers on your cheek bones, directly below the center of each eye. Massage the center part of your cheek for four breaths.

Massage a point starting at your temples right below the eyebrows and level with the outside end of your eyes. Then place your thumbs on the inside end of the eyebrows and massage. Move to the middle of the eyebrow and massage. Then massage the end of the eyebrow. Lastly, massage right below the middle of your eye.

All these exercises can either be done at a separate time in the order given or incorporated into your daily life activities.

Exercise # 10: ZOOMING

This exercise is designed to improve the flexibility of your eye muscles.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 10:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Place your thumb out at arm's distance from you on your midline

As you breathe in move your thumb slowly towards you as you focus your eyes on it.

When you get three inches from your face move your arm away and begin again.

Exercise # 11: SUNNING

This exercise is done without any glasses or contact lenses. The eyes are light-sensing organs, they are designed to receive and interpret light energy. Eyes need good, natural light in order to stay healthy and vibrant. Even though we have heard that the reduction in the ozone layer, we need to protect ourselves from ultra-violet radiation, it is still important to allow the eyes to receive natural sunlight at least 20 minutes per day. (full-spectrum lights can be used if it is not possible to experience natural light.)

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 11:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Sit or stand in a place where the sun is shining on you or under a full spectrum light source.

Close your eyes gently.

Move your head slowly from side to side so that you go from an area of shade into an area of light falling on your closed eyelids. Remember to continue to breathe easily and deeply. Feel the light on your eyelids; visualize accepting the light energy.
Alternate between five breaths of sunning and two breaths of palming.


BASIC EYE EXERCISES - Exercises 2 to 5

For OVERVIEW and INTRODUCTION please Click here


Your attitudes and belief systems are extremely important to improving your vision. Anatomy and physiology show that the eyes are tools for the mind, therefore focusing your mind in the correct way is essential for improving your vision. Therefore you should begin your program by declaring your intentions about your vision. The following are some possible statements you may use.

I can improve my vision.

My eye sight can get better.

I don't have to depend on my glasses to survive.

I am ready to see the world.

I can see without glasses.

I am now ready to see better.

These are just some examples of Vision Statements. You can create your own or adjust these to your particular vision condition.

Exercise # 3: PALMING

This exercise is done without any glasses or contact lenses. Palming is done to reduce stress around the eyes, by placing your palms around your eyes you are stimulating very powerful acupuncture points which help to calm the mind, relax the muscles around the eyes and bring healing energy to the eyes (through increased circulation).

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 3:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Find a flat table to sit at, lean forward, place your elbows on the table, and close your eyes gently.

Now, place the palm of your left hand over your left eye, your fingers on your forehead, and the hollow of your palm directly over the eye, but not touching it. There is still room to blink. The heel of your hand rests on the cheekbones.

Then place the other hand over the other eye with the fingers crossing over the fingers from the other hand. The palm should be over the eye and the heel of the hand resting on the cheekbones.

Make sure your elbows are low enough so that your face and the weight of your head are resting in your palms so that there is no stress on the neck.

Palming gives you the opportunity not to try to see, but to just focus on relaxing your mind and eyes simultaneously. Even though we recommend that you do this for only three minutes, palming can be done for as little or as much as you like throughout the day as a way to relax your eyes and calm down from the tensions of daily life.

Exercise # 4: FIGURE EIGHTS

This exercise increases the flexibility of your eye muscles in a relaxed way.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 4:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Either stand or sit with your feet shoulder width apart with your hands at your sides. Do not cross your hands. Let your knees bend slightly.

Imagine a figure eight approximately ten feet from you lying horizontally (lying in the shape of an infinity sign)

Let your eyes trace along the figure eight without moving your head. First trace in one direction, then in the opposite direction. Always remember to continue to breathe and blink as your eyes move effortlessly along the figure eight. Check for tension in the jaw and let it release.

Exercise # 5: THE HOT DOG

This exercise is done to improve the flexibility of the inside muscles of your eyes (called the ciliary muscles). It is important to keep those muscles flexible.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 5:

Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.

Either stand or sit with your feet, shoulder width apart. If you are standing, make sure your knees are slightly bent.

Aim your eyes on any target in the distance.

While looking at your distant target, bring your index fingers, tips touching about eight inches in front of your eyes and into your line of sight.

Still aiming your eyes at the distant target calmly notice a mini hot dog has appeared between the tips of your fingers. Remember to continue to breathe easily and deeply. Do not let the awesome beauty of the mini hot dog to distract you and to cause you to aim your eyes directly at it. Continue to aim your eyes toward the distant target.

Pull the tips of your fingers apart slightly and observe the hot dog floating in the air.

Now keep the hot dog for two breaths, then look directly at your fingers and the hot dog will disappear. Do not retrieve the hot dog for two breaths; then look again in the distance and find it once again. Switch back and forth for two minutes.




Eye exercises have been used for many years and by many cultures to help maintain healthy vision. The eyes need to be exercised much like any other part of the body. Unfortunately, the increased use of computers, television viewing, near work both at school and on the job, has created chronic, excessive stress on our visual system. Our eyes and bodies were not designed to withstand this ongoing stress, which we believe contributes to poorer vision, eye disease, and often neck and back problems.

Is it little wonder that 75% of students in graduate school are nearsighted?

Eye exercises can strengthen eye muscles, help maintain flexible lenses and help maintain sharper vision with just 5-10 minutes each day. Just choose a few of the eye exercises to do during each session. For people who spend hours on the computer each day, you should take a 2-3 minute break each hour for eye exercises (palming is an excellent exercise to do each break).

The exercises below do not represent a vision therapy program. For an individualized vision therapy program or to get an evaluation, you can contact the Optometric Extension Program at (949) 250-8070, or visit their website at to find a qualified vision therapist near you.


Exercises To Help Keep The Eyes Healthy

In order to achieve your goal of improved vision, it is important that you have a good space in which to work. That space should be quiet and private. It should have good lighting.


The following are essential components to integrate into your vision improvement program.

BREATHE: as in yoga the importance of good breathing is essential to getting the most out of your exercises. As you look around your world become aware of when you are holding your breath. Breathing regularly will bring more oxygen to your eyes and reduce stress on your vision.

BLINK: remembering to blink will help you from staring and working too hard as you do your exercises. It will also soothe, and moisturize the eyes.

SMILE: adding a smile to your exercises will help reduce any tension you might be holding in your eyes. So smile as you go through life.

HAVE FUN: these exercises should be looked at as something you enjoy doing rather than a task you have to do. This is for you so enjoy your self.

COMMIT: as in anything you really want in life it is important to commit your self towards that goal. If you don't think that this is the proper time for you to make this promise of improved vision to yourself, then you might have to put this program off to another time.

BELIEVE: you must believe so you can conceive. So check in with your belief systems around improving your eyes. It is possible, so make sure you believe it as you begin the program.


In general, each of the exercises selected should be done for one to three minutes. For active computer users, try to take a 2-3 minute break every hour on the computer for eye exercises. Pick 2-3 exercises out (Palming is a good one to keep doing every hours).

Exercise # 1: BREATHING

How you breathe is an integral part of your health and your vision improvement. Smooth even breathing, deep and rhythmic helps us to center our attention on our inner self. We concentrate on the steady intake and exhalation of breath. Air is taken in all the way down to the bottom of the lungs. As it fills the lungs, they expand and our stomach pushes outward. As we exhale pushing air up slowly from the bottom of the lungs our stomach contracts. Most of us breathe very shallowly. We contract our lungs pull our stomach in and lift our shoulders when we inhale and push them out while we exhale. This is backwards!!! This exercise is very soothing. It can be done anytime, anywhere. It is difficult at first; so practice it patiently.

INSTRUCTIONS for Exercise # 1:

Do not wear any glasses or contact lenses if possible.

Sit on the floor or on a comfortable chair in a quiet room. Or stand in a balanced position with your knees slightly bent.

Close your eyes gently

Notice the rhythm of your breathing

Inhale deeply through the nose. Try to let your shoulders remain down and loose. Lungs are like balloons so let them expand as they fill imagining that they go all the way down to your pelvic seat.

Exhale slowly and evenly through the mouth, pushing the air out from the bottom of your lungs. Feel your stomach and chest flatten but do not squeeze the air out. Let your lungs rest at the end of your exhale and simply allow your body to begin its next inhale. Try not to force the inhale, but wait for the natural impulse to breathe.

Repeat the inhale and the exhale letting a natural rhythm flow continuously. Do not overbreathe.

Concentrate all your attention on the intake and exhalation of air. Let thoughts simply evaporate.

Let your eyelids hang heavy until they gently close. Your eyes should be unfocused and the eye muscles relaxed. Let your jaw go slack. Your mouth should be slightly opened. Say the word " Duuuuuuh" in order to help your jaw drop.

Let your body move slightly to prevent muscles from becoming locked.

Continue breathing for three minutes.

When you open your eyes, don't look at anything in particular. Just let your eyes open without refocusing so that they can momentarily receive light in the most natural and relaxed way.

Practice this breathing technique as often as you wish with and without your glasses/contacts on.


Laser in-situ keratomileusis for farsightedness (H-LASIK)

Surgery Overview

Hyperopic laser in-situ keratomileusis (H-LASIK) is the preferred procedure for correcting farsightedness (hyperopia) . In H-LASIK, a thin flap is made on the cornea using a blade or laser. The flap is lifted, and a laser is applied to the central corneal tissue. The laser makes contact with the cornea in a circular pattern around the central optical zone, which changes the profile of the cornea, making it steeper. The laser removes tissue from the cornea very precisely without damaging nearby tissues. The flap is then replaced, allowing for rapid healing.

H-LASIK is performed in a surgeon's office or same-day surgery center and does not require a hospital stay.

This procedure may not be available in all areas, but it is done in most large cities.

What To Expect After Surgery

H-LASIK usually requires less recovery time than H-PRK, though it is longer than recovery from LASIK for nearsightedness. Most who have the surgery see quite well the next day. In contrast to hyperopic photorefractive keratectomy (H-PRK), there is little or no pain after the surgery.

Your doctor will want you to come in for an exam the day after the surgery and for regular follow-up exams for about 6 months.

Following H-LASIK surgery to correct farsightedness:

  • You will feel irritation and scratchiness in the eye the day of surgery, and a lot of tears may come out of your eye.
  • You may need to wear an eye shield for a few days after surgery.
  • Your vision may be hazy or blurry for a few days or a week after surgery. Do not drive until your vision has cleared.
  • Your doctor may prescribe eyedrops to reduce inflammation and the risk of infection. You may need to use them for several months after surgery.
  • You should avoid vigorous sports, eye makeup, and any activities during which water may get in your eye. The surgeon may recommend that you shower before the surgery, then avoid showering for a day or two afterward to avoid getting water in the eye.
  • Dry eye symptoms are common but usually temporary.

Why It Is Done

H-LASIK surgery may be used to correct mild to moderate farsightedness. Treating severe farsightedness is not as effective as treating mild or moderate farsightedness.

H-LASIK is an elective, cosmetic procedure, done to correct farsightedness in otherwise healthy eyes.

The procedure may not be done for people who:

  • Have not had stable vision for at least 1 year.
  • Are under age 18.
  • Are pregnant, because pregnancy may cause changes in the cornea.
  • Have a disease or abnormality of the cornea, such as keratoconus or corneal edema, or another eye disease, such as advanced or uncontrolled glaucoma or cataracts.
  • Have poorly controlled diabetes, or complications of diabetes that affect vision.
  • Have significant risk of injuring their cornea from a job or hobby.

How Well It Works

H-LASIK is a relatively new surgery (it was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2000). Little is known about the long-term outcomes. Doctors continue to improve the technique and to study the long-term results.

Over the short term, LASIK has been shown to be effective and consistent in reducing mild to moderate farsightedness. The results are not as good as LASIK for nearsightedness, but studies showed that between 80% and 85% of eyes with 3 diopters of farsightedness were corrected to within 1 diopter of the desired correction.

H-LASIK is better at treating lower levels of farsightedness than higher levels. H-LASIK is not as consistent or safe for people with more severe farsightedness.


The risk of complications from H-LASIK surgery is low, and it decreases even further with a more experienced surgeon. Look for a corneal specialist or surgeon who does the surgery frequently.

The risk of regression, or loss of any improvement gained through the surgery, is greater with H-LASIK than with LASIK for nearsightedness. The exact cause of regression after H-LASIK is not yet known.

Complications and side effects from H-LASIK may include:

  • Night vision problems, such as halos (often described as a shimmering circular zone around light sources such as headlights or streetlights).
  • Glare, or increased sensitivity to bright light.
  • Double vision (diplopia), usually in one eye.
  • New astigmatism caused by wrinkling in the corneal flap or other flap complications.
  • Loss of best corrected vision. This may be even less common with H-LASIK than it is with H-PRK.
  • New or worse dry-eye symptoms.
  • Clouded vision (clouding of the cornea as a result of healing). This is sometimes also referred to as corneal haze. This is less common with H-LASIK than it is with H-PRK and tends to go away quickly.

Serious vision-threatening complications are rare but may include:

  • Infection of the cornea (keratitis).
  • Elevated pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure) leading to glaucoma.

Because H-LASIK is a relatively new procedure, long-term risks are not yet known.

What To Think About

If you are considering surgery to improve farsightedness, consider the different options (H-LASIK, H-PRK, intraocular lens implants, CK, and LTK) and discuss them with your doctor. H-LASIK is the refractive surgery of choice for most people.

Though both procedures are relatively new, H-LASIK is being done more frequently than H-PRK, largely due to the good results and quick, painless visual recovery that H-LASIK offers. It is not yet clear whether H-LASIK is superior to H-PRK for people with mild to moderate farsightedness.

It is important to retain a record of your original eye measurements from this procedure (your doctor can give them to you), in case you need cataract surgery in the future. This is helpful in calculating the power of future post-cataract implants.

H-LASIK is a cosmetic procedure. The cost of refractive surgery varies in different locations, but it can be a significant expense. Most insurance companies do not cover the cost of refractive surgery.


Eye Muscle Exercise, Eye Exercise for Natural Vision Correction

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not many people have heard that you can exercise your eyes but it is true there are many different types of eye exercises. We can try to remember to take plenty of breaks from computer and stare at far and near places away from the computer. Take "eye breaks" by looking off into the distance and focusing on many different targets. We all fear of losing our sight because it will keep us from having an active normal life.

What Do the Eye Exercises Involve?

Eye exercises are often called physical therapy for the brain and the eyes. Through these therapeutic exercises, patients can control their eye muscles and to see properly. The eye exercises are usually unique to the patient and vary depending on the patient's age and other existing eye problems. Examples of different types of eye exercises include any of the following:

  • covering one eye with one hand and looking at different objects continuously instead of staring at just one object;
  • concentrating the eye on a solitary object; or having the eye follow a pattern in order to build vision muscles.
  • Rub your hands together vigorously to make them warm. Cup the hands slightly and cover your closed eyes with your hands.
  • Rest your hands on the tissue surrounding the eyes rather than the eyes themselves.
  • Move both eyes simultaneously in small circles. You can imagine a clock or move a finger in a circle before your eyes to get you started.
  • Shut your eyes for a long blink while you rub your palms together until your palms are warm.
  • Cover your eyes completely with a soft fabric (make certain no light is getting through the edges) and rest them for three to five minutes.

Also remember Eye exercises will not help patients who have dyslexia, or this will also not help people who have near sidedness. Excessive blinking or squinting of the eyes. These exercises are not effective for paralysis of an eye muscle, eye muscle spasms, or eyesight problems. With conditions such as amblyopia, eye exercises are usually the most helpful. Vision therapy exercises given to a person with amblyopia will help best because it will force the brain to see through the amblyopic eye, and helps to restore vision in the patient.

Try this Eye Exercise:

Eye exercises are sometimes called by people physical therapy for your brain and also the eyes. When a patient goes through these exercises it teaches them to work with their eye muscles and will help them to see better. One exercise that is sometimes used is called hydro therapy which involves placing a bowl of hot water and one with cold water in front of you. Make sure the water is hot but not too hot so that it will burn you. The water in the other bowel should be ice cold so either put ice cubes in it or take it out of the freezer. Put a wash cloth in each bowel then place the wash cloth from the hot water on to your closed eyes and leave it there for 30 seconds and then put the one from the cold water over your eyes and do the same thing After you have done that massage you eyes for another 30 seconds. Another exercise is called blinking this exercises is a real help if you have dry eyes. Because it helps to produce more tears, you can do this by squeezing your eyes shut really tightly. Then blink normally a few times, and squeeze again. Repeat a few times, and your eyes will feel more relaxed and comfortable.

All this exercises should help your eyes to feel better from any strain that you may have put on them and will also help you to improve your eyesight. But if you have tried this exercises and they still do not help or your vision keeps on getting worse be sure to talk to your eye doctor about it because it could be signs of a far more serious problem. Far more serious than eye strain and something that should be dealt with right away so that you do not lose your eye sight.


Understanding the Visual Acuity

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

By looking at lots of people, eye doctors have decided what a "normal" human being should be able to see when standing 20 feet away from an eye chart. If you have 20/20 vision, it means that when you stand 20 feet away from the chart you can see what the "normal" human being can see. (In metric, the standard is 6 meters and it's called 6/6 vision). In other words, your vision is "normal" -- most people can see what you see at 20 feet. (From here on, please assume that the word "normal" has quotes around it).

If you have 20/40 vision, it means that when you stand 20 feet away from the chart you can see what a normal human can see when standing 40 feet from the chart. That is, if there is a normal person standing 40 feet away from the chart and you are standing only 20 feet away from it, you and the normal person can see the same detail. 20/100 means that when you stand 20 feet from the chart you can see what a normal person standing 100 feet away can see. 20/200 is the cutoff for legal blindness in the United States

You can also have vision that is better than the norm. A person with 20/10 vision can see at 20 feet what a normal person can see when standing 10 feet away from the chart.

Hawks, owls and other birds of prey have much more acute vision than humans. A hawk has a much smaller eye than a human being but has lots of sensors (cones) packed into that space. This gives a hawk vision that is eight times more acute than a human's. A hawk might have 20/2 vision!


Type of vision correction

The three factors that produce unclear vision are:

  1. the light that enters your eyes cannot focus at the proper place.
  2. the curvature of the cornea.
  3. the length of eyeball.

There are a number of ways to help individuals who suffer from impaired vision or "poor eyesight" For example:

For centuries, mankind has known how to use spectacles to refocus the rays of light to their proper points. It is a safe and popular method of correcting ones vision, but there can be limitations, such as when playing sports, occupational hazards or restrictions and even self-consciousness that the eyeglass wearer may feel.

Contact Lenses
When Contact lenses were developed, people were given another method to correct their vision. One advantage that contact lenses offer over eye glasses is a wider field of vision, but the daily, required rituals of cleaning the lenses, inserting them into the eyes and taking them out and re-cleaning them again at night causes some people to shy away from converting to contacts. Additionally, if the lens are not taken proper care of and cleaned regularly, there is a risk of infection. For some people with high astigmatism, contact lenses simply do not work.

Refractive Surgery
Researchers have developed Radial Keratectomy and PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) and LASIK (Laser In-situ Keratomileusis). For LASIK, this is the great revolution in ophthalmology innovation.


Understanding the Diopter

The unit of measuring refraction is called Diopter; the higher the range of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, the higher the number. The way we measure the power of eyesight is put into 3 numbers.

For example: -5.00-1.50*180
The first number is the refractive power of the myopia or hyperopia , the - sign in front represents myopia and the + sign for the hyperopia.

The second number is the astigmatism power which will also uses the "-" or "+" sign.

The third number is the degree or axis of the astigmatism.

So,5.00-1.50*180 means, 5 Diopter myopia, with 1.5 Diopter astigmatism at 180 degrees.


Lasik- Frequently Asked Questions

How old do I have to be for laser vision correction?
You need to be over 18 years of age, and your Glasses or Contact Lenses prescription should not have changed in the last year. If your eye is still changing from year to year, you should not have the procedure until the Cornea is stable.

Isn't all laser vision correction the same?
No. Many of the discount LASIK centres want you to believe that LASIK should be purchased like a commodity and that Surgeon experience, lasers, diagnostic technology and follow-up care don't matter. Laser vision correction will affect the way you see for the rest of your life. You should make your decision to have laser vision carefully, not quickly.

What are the diagnostic tests done before one can undergo LASIK procedure?
Besides routine eye examination two preoperative tests viz. Topography Test & Pachymetry Test need to be performed. Topography Test is done to map the refractive power of the Cornea and to rule out certain corneal conditions like conical Cornea, etc. The Pachymetry Test is done to measure the thickness of the Cornea.

Will the procedure hurt?
There is no pain during any of the laser vision procedures since anesthetic eye drops numb your eyes.

Will I need Glasses after LASIK?
If thoroughly evaluated and performed in the right candidate with the latest technology, patients who have LASIK do not generally require Glasses for most activities. When you come for a consultation to our Doctor, he will best advice on the same.

If I choose to have mono-vision, does that mean I'll never need reading Glasses?
The benefit to having mono-vision is that there won't be a complete dependence on Glasses for close vision. Many who have mono-vision are able to see well enough both at distance and near to do things at any age without corrective lenses.

Can I have both eyes operated upon at the same time?
This is what we recommend. It has been demonstrated in several large, clinical studies that LASIK's results and safety are identical whether the procedure is reformed on both eyes simultaneously versus one eye at a time. Most patients elect to have both eyes operated upon the same day out of convenience, less time out of work, and avoiding imbalance between the two eyes.

How long does the procedure take?
Once in the laser room your eyes will be cleaned and prepared for surgery. The surgery itself usually only takes five minutes or so per eye, however the preparation process of surgery may vary between 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on technology and procedure chosen. For the exact process Click here.

What keeps the flap in position?
Following your procedure, the flap stays in position without the need for stitches. Initially, there is a vacuum effect created by the cells lining the inner surface of the Cornea. As the eye heals over the first few days, the epithelium (the outer surface of the Cornea) seals the edges of the flap.

Will I have 20/20 vision following laser vision correction?
The goal of any Refractive surgical procedure is to reduce/eliminate your dependence on corrective lenses. The vast majorities of our patients are extremely happy with their results and can do most activities without dependence on corrective lenses after laser vision correction. Our surgeons always aim to provide 20/20 vision following laser vision correction.

Is laser vision correction safe?
If your eyes qualify for laser vision correction, then the procedure is safe.
How long will the results of the surgery last? Laser vision correction is considered to be permanent. If you're over 40 years of age, you may want to consider monovision.

What if I move my eye during the laser treatment?
While the treatment is performed, you will be asked to look at a light under the laser. You are required to look steadily at the light throughout the operation, since this keeps the eye centered under the laser. However, if you temporarily look away or lose the ability to look at the fixation light, do not be concerned. The WaveLight Allegretto Laser is equipped with a special eye tracker that tracks the eye at 400 times a second throughout the procedure.

Do I have to go without my contacts before having laser vision correction?
If you are wearing hard or gas permeable contacts, it's important that you remove them at least three weeks prior to your treatment. Soft lenses should be out for at least one week before your treatment. Soft toric lenses may need to be out longer. Your Doctor will advise you how long you need to be out of your contacts prior to your surgery.

Does LASIK cause dry eye?
Following a LASIK procedure, every patient has temporary dry eye, which can be treated most often with artificial tears. This dry eye sensation usually clears up in one to three weeks.

Patients with pre-existing dry eye should discuss it with the Doctor at the pre-op examination. A thorough evaluation of your current medications, medical history and work environment should all be taken into account.

What will my recovery be like?
All LASIK patients usually see quite well the day following their procedure and are able to resume most of their normal daily activities. Patients with higher prescriptions may recover slightly slowly.

Can I have laser vision correction while I am pregnant or trying to conceive?

Does insurance cover this procedure?
No, insurance does not cover this procedure as it is considered primarily cosmetic.

Can I drive home after the surgery?
We recommend you should not drive immediately after the surgery. For the first couple of hours your eyes will be sensitive to light and the vision blurred, so you should wear the special dark Glasses to protect your eyes.

I have a "lazy" eye; can I still have LASIK to correct myopia?
Many patients with lazy eye have enjoyed their results following LASIK because they no longer need Glasses or Contact Lenses to achieve their best acuity.

My child has Keratoconus and I would like to know if he is a candidate for laser eye surgery.
Laser vision correction is not suggested for patients with Keratoconus. However, it is important to treat this condition to prevent it from progressing. Our very sensitive topolyzer grades the keratoconus and gives us the right treatment plan and rigid contact lens fit.


Lasik-Pre Treatment Care and Preparation

If you are found suitable for the surgery and you wish to go ahead with the process, you will be advised to follow the instructions below before the treatment.

1. Mix a drop of JOHNSON'S baby shampoo with a couple of drops of water and clean both the upper and lower eye lid margins and eyelashes with the same 4 times a day for 4 days prior to coming for treatment.

2. After cleaning, apply OFLACIN eye drops 4 times a day in both eyes for 4 days before the treatment. This is just to clean the eyes.

3. Have a head wash and a shave before coming for the treatment.

4. Discontinue wearing semi-soft and hard contact lenses for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. Soft contact lenses preferably should be discontinued for a week prefer to treatment.

5. There is no diet restriction. Patients can continue with all their routine activities right up to the time of coming for treatment. There are no other special procedures or clothing required while coming for the treatment except that perfumes/body sprays should be avoided.


Lasik-Post Operative Care

After the treatment you will be examined after one hour, drops will be applied and then you can go home. Pay careful attention to the detailed instructions your Doctor gives you regarding additional drops to use at home and when to return for your first visit.

Make sure you have arrangements for a qualified person to drive you back. A cup that has small holes will be placed on each eye through which you can continue to see. This is mainly placed to prevent the patient from rubbing the eyes and it can be taken off at home itself the next day morning.

To be most comfortable, you should go home and take a long nap. When you awaken you will notice several things. First you will notice a dramatic improvement in your vision. It will most likely not be as good as it will get in a few days as your eyes will need to continue to heal. You should expect to feel some mild "grittiness" or like a little sand or dust has gotten into your eyes for up to a day or so. This is normal. As your eyes heal it is normal and expected to be a little sensitive to light and perhaps see some glare or even haloes around lights at night. This too will diminish as your eyes heal.

Drops have to be applied for about a week after treatment. There will be mild redness, irritation, watering immediately after treatment that usually subsides by next day morning. You can normally resume all activities like attending office, college etc right from the next day after treatment. Bathing, shaving can be normally carried out. Direct rubbing of the eyes and splashing of water into the eyes are to be avoided for a week after treatment.


What is Lasik-Consultation Process

Laser vision correction is now in its second decade of helping patients reduce or eliminate their dependence on glasses and contact lenses. As testimony to its life changing benefits, thousands of ophthalmologists and optometrists around the world have become so impressed with the results of laser vision correction that over one million procedures are now performed each year. At New World iCare our patients continuously tell us they appreciate our commitment to being on the cutting edge of this exciting technology.

One of the most popular ways to correct vision is with a procedure called LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis), which uses a laser to change the curvature of the Cornea (outer window of the eye). LASIK has quickly become the procedure of choice for most patients because they recover quickly and have fewer side effects and complications than with other methods of vision correction. In fact, most LASIK patients notice a significant improvement in their vision soon after surgery. LASIK removes tissue within the Cornea to treat low to high levels of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

LASIK is an acronym for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusi, a Refractive surgery procedure performed by Ophthalmologists intended for correcting the vision in order to reduce a person's dependency on corrective devices such as glasses or contact lenses. The procedure is usually a preferred alternative to PRK, or photo refractive keratectomy, as it requires less time for full recovery, and the patient experiences less pain overall.

The first step in the procedure consists of mapping the corneal surface with a computer controlled scanning device to determine the exact shape. Then the appropriate amount of tissue which needs to be removed is calculated, such that upon replacing the flap there is no need (or less need) for corrective devices like spectacles and lenses.

LASIK is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the Cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using an excimer laser. A blade, called a microkeratome, is used to cut a flap in the Cornea. A hinge is left at one end of this flap. The flap is folded back revealing the stroma, the middle section of the Cornea. Pulses from a computer-controlled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma and the flap is replaced. When the Cornea is properly reshaped, it will then better focus light onto the Retina. This results in improved vision.

Both nearsighted and farsighted people can benefit from LASIK. Sufferers of astigmatism can also benefit.

Suitability for process

Generally to be a good candidate for LASIK, you should

  • Be above 17-18 years of age
  • Have stable refraction (glass number) for 6 months.

Consultation Process

Before the actual process of conducting the LASIK surgery, the Doctor will have a consultation and examination of your eyes to determine your suitability for the process. This process begins with a discussion regarding what your expectations are and what you wish to achieve by being less dependent or eliminating eyeglasses or contact lenses. Then the Doctor takes a careful review of your health and eye history.

Next, in order to determine the exact prescription that will need to be treated, a refraction will be performed to measure the amount of nearsightedness or farsightedness and astigmatism. This will require the use of eye drops to get the best possible measurements. It is necessary to map the surface of the eye, called the Cornea, with a corneal topographer that gives the Doctor a blueprint of the shape of your eye. An important step is to measure the corneal thickness, called pachymetry, in order to help determine whether the anatomy of your Cornea is appropriate for LASIK or perhaps another laser eye surgery procedure. Once all of these steps have been completed, the Doctor will examine the health of the Retina and inner structure of your eyes as a final check.

The consultation process is an excellent opportunity for you to have a one on one discussion with the Doctor on whatever you may want to know about the process, benefits and risks. The consultation establishes whether or not you are a suitable candidate for the LASIK procedure.


How the Eye Works-Common Vision Problems

In its simplest sense, your eye is like a camera. Your eye has

  • A reusable "film" at the back, called the Retina
  • A lens system, which includes the transparent covering called the Cornea and a spherical lens
  • A variable opening at the front, called the Pupil
  • Various sets of muscles (The muscles control the size of the opening, the shape of the lens system and the movements of the eye).

On the back of your eye is a complex layer of cells known as the Retina. The Retina reacts to light and conveys that information to the brain. The brain, in turn, translates all that activity into an image. Because the eye is a sphere, the surface of the Retina is curved.

In the Retina, sensory cells called rods and cones change the photons of light into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to and interpreted by the brain. The ability to focus the light on the Retina depends on the shapes of the cornea and the lens, which are controlled by their inherent shapes, their elasticity, the shape of the eyeball and sets of attached muscles.

So, when you look at something, muscles attached to the lens must contract and relax to change the shape of the lens system and keep the object focused on the Retina, even when your eyes move; this is a complex set of muscle movements that is controlled automatically by your nervous system.

When you look at something, three things must happen :

1. The image must be reduced in size to fit onto the Retina.

2. The scattered light must come together that is, it must focus at the surface of the Retina.

3. The image must be curved to match the curve of the Retina.

As shown in the image below, light passes through the cornea and Pupil, is bent (refracted) by the lens, and comes to a point (focus) on the Retina, where the image is formed.

To do all of that, the eye has a lens between the Retina and the Pupil (the "peep hole" in the Center of your eye that allows light into the back of the eye) and a transparent covering, or cornea (the front window). The lens and the cornea work together to focus the image onto the Retina.

Out of Focus

Have you ever looked at a written page and it looked blurry? Perhaps, you have taken an eye exam for your driver's license and found that you couldn't read the signs very well. May be you have discovered that, as you are nearing 40, you have to hold books and newspapers farther away to read them.

Changes in the shape and size of your eyes can cause problems that affect the way you see elements that are close or far from you. These problems are referred to as refractive disorders. So you go to the Ophthalmologist or Optometrist and find that you need glasses. And your life is not the same any more!

Most vision problems occur when the eye cannot focus the image onto the Retina. Here are a few of the most common problems:
  • Myopia (Nearsightedness)
  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
  • Astigmation
  • Presbyopia
Myopia (Nearsightedness)

In Nearsightedness (Myopia), the light from distant objects gets focused in front of the Retina rather than on it. Myopia happens usually when the eyeball is too long; however, it is sometimes caused by too much focusing power in the lens system. The result is that the person can see close-up objects clearly, but distant objects are blurry.

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

In Farsightedness (Hyperopia), the light gets focused in back of the Retina rather than on it. See following illustration. Hyperopia usually happens when the eyeball is too short or when the focusing power of the lens system is too weak. The result is that a person can see distant objects fine, but close-up objects are blurry. Hyperopia can by corrected by using a convex lens to concentrate or converge the light so that when it passes through the lens system, it comes to focus on the Retina.


In Astigmatism, the shape of the Cornea or the lens is distorted so that the light comes into two focal points. Imagine that the lens is egg-shaped instead of spherical and that light coming over the top and bottom edges is brought to a different focal point than light coming over the right and left sides. To correct this problem, a lens that is shaped to correct the distorted shape of the eye's lens system is made.


In Presbyopia, the Cornea and lens of the eye become less stretchy, and therefore cannot change shape as readily to bring light to a focus on the Retina; this happens naturally as we grow older and is usually observed when people reach their 40s. If you have Presbyopia, you have trouble focusing light from near objects on the Retina. To correct this problem, you might get a pair of bifocal lenses to replace your existing glasses. If you don't already wear corrective lenses, you may be able to simply use reading glasses.

LASIK is very effective in treating Myopia and, in many cases, can correct vision problems resulting from Astigmatism and Hyperopia as well. However, Presbyopia is not easily corrected through the use of laser eye surgery.


Fish for Sight

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Intake of oily fish once a week may reduce age-related macular degeneration(AMD),a major cause of blindness and poor vision in the elderly,says a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

There are two types of AMD,wet and dry.Of the two,wet AMD is the main cause of vision loss.A team of researchers across seven European countries and co-ordinated by the London School Of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine sought to investigate the association between fish intake and omega 3 fatty acids with wet AMD,comparing people with wet AMD with controls.

In the study,participants were interviewed about their dietary habits including how much fish they ate and what type.Information on the main omega 3 fatty acids( docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ) was obtained by linking dietary data with food composition tables.The findings show that people who habitually consume oily fish at least once a week compared with less than once a week are 50 percent less likely to have AMD.

There was no benefit from consumption of non-oily white fish.There was a strong inverse association between levels of DHA and EPA and wet AMD.People in the top 25 percent of DHA and EPA levels (300 mg per day and above) were 70 percent less likely to have wet AMD.

Astrid Fletcher, Professor of Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who led the study,said:
"This is the first study in Europeans to show a beneficial association on wet AMD from the consumption of oily fish and is consistent with the results from studies in the US and Australia.Two 3oz servings a week of oily fish, such as salmon, tuna or mackerel, provides about 500 mg of DHA and EPA per day."

The research team is not, however, recommending omega 3 supplements as the study did not investigate whether supplements would have the same benefit as dietary sources.


Great Leap Forward-Cataract Surgery

Better now?: Checking the lens after surgery.

A revolutionary technology has further minimized the stress of the cataract surgery.

Cataract is an opacity in the lens of the eye. The normal lens is transparent and allows light to reach the retina. When it becomes opaque (cataract) light does no reach the retina and the patient is unable to see clearly.

Till date there is no proven cure of cataract. The only available treatment is surgery. And so the method and technique of surgery is of importance. Earlier surgery was done only when the cataract was mature and vision was impaired to the extent that daily activities were hampered. But today no one waits so long. Cataract surgery is done electively. This is possible because of the new techniques and developments in surgery

Past techniques

There was a time when cataract was removed through a 12mm large opening. Now with the latest technology we remove the lens through a small opening of 2.8mm with the help of ultrasonic aspiration technique called phacoemulsification. A foldable intraocular lens is then implanted in the eye.

The success rate is close to 99.5 per cent. The present options in phaco surgery are Standard phaco or the first generation phaco surgery using simpler machines and an incision size of 3.2 mm . This was first conducted in late 1970s. In Cold phaco or the second generation surgery, the incision size reduced to 2.8mm but it was much safer since the amount of heat being delivered to the eye was reduced significantly thus reducing the trauma.

Now there is Microincisional (Mini Keyhole) Cataract Surgery. Introduced by Bausch and Lomb this is a revolutionary technology that enables cataract surgery to be done through the a 1.6 mm to 1.8 mm incision.

A new intraocular lens has been devised which can be inserted through this small incision and gets unfolded inside the eye. This is called a micro intraocular lens (MIL). The advantages of this are quicker surgery (sutureless); faster recovery; minimal post–operative restrictions; better vision quality and astigmatism neutral.

After effects

Most people do not need to wear glasses for distance vision but will need them for reading. This can be avoided if a multi-focal lens is placed in the eye. Then glasses may not be required for most work. A few may require glasses to refine their vision.

About five per cent of people get a thickening of the posterior capsule after the surgery, which is called after cataract. This can be easily dealt with by a laser procedure done as an out patient procedure.

The authors are Chennai-based Ophthalmologists.


Ageing, UV light, Deficiency in protein and vitamins, Intrauterine Infections leading to congenital cataract, Developmental cataract seen in adolescents, Injury and Systemic factors like diabetes mellitus.


Blurring of images, Double images, Image distortion


Lasik and Laser Eye Surgery

Friday, August 15, 2008

Laser surgery for the eyes involves scraping or lifting the cornea and using laser beams to re-shape the tissue beneath it. This has been proven to be effective for astigmatism, near sightedness and far sightedness.

The most common cause of poor vision results from poor refraction of light due to distortions on the surface of the eye. Before each laser surgery for eyes, a doctor uses an aberrometer's laser beams to produce a 3D image of the actual shape of the cornea on a monitor. This helps him find the exact area where re-shaping of tissues should be done.

Intraocular Pressure - The pressure within the eye is determined by how much aqueous fluid is created and drained inside the eye. An increase in intraocular pressure can put pressure on the optic nerve, causing serious vision problems. The intraocular pressure is measured with a tonometer.

Those who suffer from problems with contact lenses and dry eyes need to pay particular attention to the various contact lens products on the market. By comparing brands and manufacturers, the perfect contact lens will be found.If irritation of the eyes continues, the contact lenses should be removed immediately and a health care professional consulted.

There are four different types of eyeglasses available. Reading glasses are worn when working close up. Bifocals are eyeglasses with two points of focus for near vision and distant vision. The top part of bifocal lens is used to correct other eye conditions like myopia or astigmatism while the bottom part is used to correct close up vision.

AcrySof ReSTOR IOL The FDA-approved AcrySof ReSTOR is a breakthrough in intraocular lens technology for most people with cataracts, with or without Presbyopia, that may restore the eyesight of youth. The apodized diffractive optic design gives it the ability to focus light correctly on the retina for images at various distances without mechanical movement of the lens.

Inflammation is a tissue's reaction to trauma often associated with pain, heat, redness, swelling, and/or loss of function. Inflammation may be caused by mechanical trauma,infections, bacteria, viruses, immune reactions or other causes.Ophthalmologist is a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment of visual disorders and eye disease.

Legal Blindness - A definition of blindness which enables a person to apply for government disability benefits. It can be either a visual acuity of 20/200 (or worse), with corrective lenses, in the better eye, or tunnel vision in the better eye of 20 degrees in diameter. This level of blindness is severe, but does not necessarily prevent a person from functioning at all.

There are several types of glaucoma, the most frequent one being Open-Angle Glaucoma, which has no obvious symptoms at first. About 15% of glaucoma cases are Closed-Angle Glaucoma, and there are noticeable symptoms, such as nausea, eye pain, blurred vision, and headaches. There is also Normal-Tension Glaucoma, where the intraocular pressure doesn't build up, and no cause has yet been established for this yet, although there are theories.

Verisyse The Verisyse Phakic Intraocular Lens (IOL) implant is recommended for patients who do not qualify for LASIK due to severe nearsightedness, farsightedness, or cases where the cornea is too thin for LASIK.

Alcon LADARVision 4000 and CustomCornea Alcon Surgical’s LADARVision excimer laser system with LADARTracker tracks the eye at a rate of 4,000 times per second - tracking the fastest eye movements with 4x safety margin. Only LADARVision has expanded FDA claims for improved accuracy in corneal shaping.

Patients who have experienced an eye infection or injury in the past year should not undergo LASIK. If you are interested in LASIK, an eye surgeon or ophthalmologist can determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. During a comprehensive eye exam, your ophthalmologist will check your eyes and medical history.

Refractive Error - Too much or too little bending of the light rays entering the eye, so that they focus not on the retina, which would give clear vision, but either in front of it (myopia) or behind it (hyperopia). When the cornea is slightly oval-shaped, rather than perfectly round, it has two curvatures, a steeper one and a flatter one. This also causes refractive error (astigmatism), bending the light rays in two different ways, so that they are skewed and unable to focus. Refractive error is measured in diopters.

Inflammation the body's response to surgery, injury, irritation, infection, or some foreign substances, often associated with pain, heat, redness, swelling, and/or loss of function.FDA is the abbreviation for the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA is the United States government agency responsible for the evaluation and approval of medical devices.

With the advent of lasik technology, eye correction with the use of surgery has become more affordable, more convenient and even painless. The accuracy by which eye surgeons have dealt with real eye problems has been remarkable. Patients have been thrilled with results. What a miracle! They can see! If you’re having both eyes done the same day, the surgeon will probably do the other eye after a short period of time. Dr. Boothe, some people choose to have their second eye done a week later. The doctor may prescribe medication for any postoperative pain, but many people feel no more than mild discomfort after LASIK. That’s one advantage over PRK, which can be quite painful afterward.

A number of laser surgery for the eyes are available to address different forms of vision problems. PRK and LASIK are two of the most common laser surgery for eyes recommended to correct vision problems.

One may experience increased sensitivity to light and some blurring of vision but these are normal and will clear up in a matter of 3-4 days. Doctors often give eye drops or oral medication to prevent infection and to counter some minor side-effects.

Advanced age can also lead to diseases that can seriously undermine vision. This is best exemplified by age related macular degeneration. New and defective blood vessels form networks that prevent normal eyesight. Dr. Boothe, through laser surgery for eyes, these unhealthy blood vessels are removed. Trifocals have three focusing points; one for near vision, one for immediate vision, and one for distant vision. Progressive addition lenses (PALs) uses different focus points but gradually changes them so that no visual sections are as noticeable as in bifocals and trifocals. Bifocal and monovision contacts are also available. In monovision, one eye is corrected for near vision and the other for distant vision.

Through laser surgery for eyes, leaky capillaries, swelling and any build-up of fluids can be removed. This helps on preserving and restoring normal eyesight for these patients.

For these, the application of creams around the area may not simply work. Blurred vision due to conditions like astigmatism, near sightedness and far sightedness can be a burden to a lot of people too. Wearing eyeglasses or being highly dependent on contact lenses can be cumbersome. If you are serious about changing these problems, you might want to try laser cosmetic eye surgery.

Until recently, contact lenses and dry eyes seemed to come hand in hand. Modern technology, however, has developed several ways for contact lens wearers to deal with dry eyes. When eyes become dry, they can be irritable, bloodshot and in severe cases, vision can become impaired.

Having problems with vision and having to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses can be burdensome. Some have problems with constantly losing or breaking glasses and tearing contact lenses. Some find it difficult to look for glasses that perfectly fit the shape of their faces and some feel that it makes them look older. These procedures however, do not correct crow’s feet or wrinkles around the eyes. These may require separate surgical procedures. If you are looking for contact lenses for dry eyes, take some time to review and make a comparison before you select the best contact lenses for your circumstances.

A good candidate for LASIK eye surgery must meet several general requisites. LASIK patients should be at least 18 years old, demonstrate no change in refraction for at least one year, and have realistic expectations regarding the results of LASIK eye surgery.



Eye Care Tips-Exercises-Don'ts of Eye Care

General Eye Care Tips:

1.To rest the eyes, lift them occasionally from close work and look into the distance.

2.Give rest to your tired eyes by applying two thin slices of cucumber as cool compress and relax as you do so.

3.Splash cold water occasionally to eyes to relax them and bring back the sparkle to tired eyes.

4.Prevent the glare of light which has a fatiguing effect on the eyes. Light fixtures in the bedroom should reflect light upwards as well as outwards and not direct on the eyes.

5.Dip gauze pads in light tea and keep on the tired eye for 15 minutes.

6.To fade away -dark circles below the eyes, make paste of three almond kernels and milk. Apply this paste: and leave till it dries.

7.When applying cream or make up around the eyes use the ring finger (as it exerts less pressure).

8.Dark shadows and tiny lines under the eyes can be disguised by applying a light coloured foundation under them and smoothening them.

9.To remove puffiness under the eyes, use raw potato paste sandwiched between two thin pieces, of (for each eye) and keep on the eyes for 20 minute.

10.If your eyes are on the smaller side, open them using subtle Grey, beige or brown shades of shadow, using a darker shade on the crease of the lid.

11.Apply a pale shade of eye shadow on the lid and deeper shade below the brow for deepest eyes.

12.When applying mascara, brush with an outward sweep to the underside of the top lashes and allow it to dry before giving a second coat. After this, use a small comb or a small brush to separate them.

13.Remove mascara from the eyes by rubbing a little moisturizer on the lashes or by dipping a bit of cotton wool in hot water and wiping them. Or place a roll of cotton wool under the top lashes and wipe from above with another piece of damp cotton wool.

14.If your brows are thick, pluck hair from inner corners with a pair of clean tweezers and pluck from the middle to make an upward arch and let the brow end in a thin line.
Before you start plucking the hair from the brows, draw the sort of eyebrows you have in mind with an eyebrow pencil and pluck from beneath.
When tweezing hair from the eyebrow, pull in the direction of the hair growth with a quick flick of the hand.
Never pluck from above the brow or the re-growth will give a greenish appearance.

15.For a long face, give the brows a shape by extending them past the outer corners of the eyes to give the illusion of width.

16.For a square face, pluck above the inner eye-corners curving gently out.

17.For a round face pluck hair giving a straightest arch.

18.If the eyes are deepest, pluck the hair from under the brows to give the illusion of large eyes.

Simple everyday eye exercises

  • After every hour before a computer screen, close your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them.

  • Yoga experts recommend you to rotate your eyes often to relax muscles. Move your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner.

  • Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times. This helps prevent blurred vision.

When to see a doctor

  • If you have persisting headaches see a doctor and well light your work area and correct your reading/writing posture. · If you have sties often, they may indicate refractive error.

  • If you squint every time you read a book or watch television.

  • If you have dryness of the eyes, check out if it's due to antihistamines, decongestants, diuretics, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers that you may have taken.

  • If you plan to take oral contraceptives they may decrease tolerance of the eye.

  • Even if you have no complaints it's important to see a doctor and have a routine eye check up.

Don'ts of eye care

  • Don't wear contact lenses for extended periods of time or overnight as this leads to complication.

  • Don't rub eyes frequently as this can cause an eye infection as few of us bother to wash our hands before touching our eyes.

  • When you splash water do not do this furiously believing doing this will take away tiredness instead wash gently as splashing may hurtle the smallest dust particles or an allergen which may minutely damage the cornea.

  • Use disposable tissues instead of handkerchiefs to wipe eyes, as they are more hygienic.

  • Don't sit near than 15 feet from the television and keep your book at least two feet away for stronger eye muscles.

  • Use cream based eye makeup as powdery eye shadows can enter eyes and, cause irritation. Be very gentle in case you wear lenses.

  • Avoid using aerosol products like hairspray if you wear lenses.

  • Don't use your mascara for more than a year.


Protecting Your Eyes During Allergy Season

Sunday, August 10, 2008

For some people, it seems like every season is allergy season. In the spring, it is the tree and flower pollen; with summer's arrival the tree and flower pollen are joined by grass pollen; and in the fall it is weed pollen. The result? Red itchy eyes that also burn and sting. For some allergy sufferers in warmer parts of the country, these eye-aggravating allergies can be a bother for as many as 10 months out of the year.

How do I protect my eyes during allergy season?

Because seasonal allergies are most often caused by plant life that releases pollen into the air, they can be difficult to avoid. Nevertheless, there are some approaches that you can take to help lessen your allergy symptoms:

  • Pay attention to the pollen reports. Your local weather channel or weather-related Internet site regularly gives the pollen counts for your area of the country. When pollen counts are high, restrict your outdoor activities when possible.

  • Have someone else mow your grass when possible.

  • Limit your exposure to wooded areas.

  • Close your doors and windows and use your air conditioning during warmer months. However, because allergens are spread through the air, they can be circulated throughout the house through the air conditioning's filter. If you have severe reactions to pollens, the use of air conditioning may not be wise if flare-ups are severe during this time.

  • Consider purchasing a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter. These filter systems are very effective at removing allergens from the air in your room or house.

Taking these preventive measures is often just the first step to controlling seasonal allergies.

For many people, the next step is discussing with their doctor possible allergy drugs to help relieve their symptoms. There are many effective medications to help eliminate allergy symptoms, and by making a trip to the doctor for an eye allergy valuation, he or she can prescribe the correct medication to help prevent irritation or itchiness from occurring.

Over-the-counter allergy drugs can also be purchased to help an eye allergy sufferer with mild symptoms. The medicine is usually less expensive than prescription medications and can clear up mild irritation. Eye drops are also available that can help wash out the eyes. The drops usually contain antihistamines and decongestants that help calm eye allergies.

Regardless of whether your medication is over-the-counter or prescribed, be sure to follow the directions exactly as stated by the label or by your doctor. If you have any questions about your medication, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


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