Eye Muscle Exercise, Eye Exercise for Natural Vision Correction

Friday, August 22, 2008

Not many people have heard that you can exercise your eyes but it is true there are many different types of eye exercises. We can try to remember to take plenty of breaks from computer and stare at far and near places away from the computer. Take "eye breaks" by looking off into the distance and focusing on many different targets. We all fear of losing our sight because it will keep us from having an active normal life.

What Do the Eye Exercises Involve?

Eye exercises are often called physical therapy for the brain and the eyes. Through these therapeutic exercises, patients can control their eye muscles and to see properly. The eye exercises are usually unique to the patient and vary depending on the patient's age and other existing eye problems. Examples of different types of eye exercises include any of the following:

  • covering one eye with one hand and looking at different objects continuously instead of staring at just one object;
  • concentrating the eye on a solitary object; or having the eye follow a pattern in order to build vision muscles.
  • Rub your hands together vigorously to make them warm. Cup the hands slightly and cover your closed eyes with your hands.
  • Rest your hands on the tissue surrounding the eyes rather than the eyes themselves.
  • Move both eyes simultaneously in small circles. You can imagine a clock or move a finger in a circle before your eyes to get you started.
  • Shut your eyes for a long blink while you rub your palms together until your palms are warm.
  • Cover your eyes completely with a soft fabric (make certain no light is getting through the edges) and rest them for three to five minutes.

Also remember Eye exercises will not help patients who have dyslexia, or this will also not help people who have near sidedness. Excessive blinking or squinting of the eyes. These exercises are not effective for paralysis of an eye muscle, eye muscle spasms, or eyesight problems. With conditions such as amblyopia, eye exercises are usually the most helpful. Vision therapy exercises given to a person with amblyopia will help best because it will force the brain to see through the amblyopic eye, and helps to restore vision in the patient.

Try this Eye Exercise:

Eye exercises are sometimes called by people physical therapy for your brain and also the eyes. When a patient goes through these exercises it teaches them to work with their eye muscles and will help them to see better. One exercise that is sometimes used is called hydro therapy which involves placing a bowl of hot water and one with cold water in front of you. Make sure the water is hot but not too hot so that it will burn you. The water in the other bowel should be ice cold so either put ice cubes in it or take it out of the freezer. Put a wash cloth in each bowel then place the wash cloth from the hot water on to your closed eyes and leave it there for 30 seconds and then put the one from the cold water over your eyes and do the same thing After you have done that massage you eyes for another 30 seconds. Another exercise is called blinking this exercises is a real help if you have dry eyes. Because it helps to produce more tears, you can do this by squeezing your eyes shut really tightly. Then blink normally a few times, and squeeze again. Repeat a few times, and your eyes will feel more relaxed and comfortable.

All this exercises should help your eyes to feel better from any strain that you may have put on them and will also help you to improve your eyesight. But if you have tried this exercises and they still do not help or your vision keeps on getting worse be sure to talk to your eye doctor about it because it could be signs of a far more serious problem. Far more serious than eye strain and something that should be dealt with right away so that you do not lose your eye sight.


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